Chapter 1

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Newton and Dudley had just told Lisa they were engaged to her daughters.

"Are you alright with that, ma'am?" said Newton.

"I think it's amazing" said Lisa.

"So that's a yes?" said Dudley.

"But it's also really sudden" said Lisa.

"So that's a no?" said Newton.

"Boys, my daughters is so young. And so is you, you know" said Lisa.

"Well, yes..." said Newton.

"But at the same time, I'm thrilled. Especially for you, Newton" said Lisa.

"Why me especially? Is Penelope not as important to you?" said Newton.

"Oh they're both equally important to me. But let me put it this way" said Lisa.

"Yes?" said Newton.

"By her sixth birthday, Shauna was making over a thousand different balloon animals. And I never imagined a man buying any of 'em" Lisa confessed.

"You doubted her love life, eh? Right, well in that case, I'm glad I could help" said Newton awkwardly.

"I know I should be surprised to hear that, but Newton told me he didn't think a woman would want a man as slow at learning as I am" said Dudley. 

"Hmm. Have either of you told your mothers yet?" said Lisa.

"I called mine last night. She's on her way here now" said Newton.

"I invited mine over... but I didn't say I was engaged" said Dudley.

"Why not? She's your mother" said Newton.

"Remember I told you how fearful she was of me when I was younger?" said Dudley.


"So if she was that frightened to see me in a tuxedo, imagine how she'll react to a ring that I slipped on a girl's finger" said Dudley. 

"Oh yes. I hope Penelope can handle living with that for the rest of her life" said Newton.

"Me too. That's why I'm inviting my Mum over. So she can get to know her before I tell her" said Dudley. 

Texas Guys ep. 19- "You Are She"Where stories live. Discover now