Chapter 5

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At one point during the night, Lavender kept letting her anxiety get the better of her and she kept blaming Penelope for things.

"Lavender, why do you keep blaming me? I did nothing!" said Penelope.

"Because I want my son back!" Lavender said spontaneously.

Everyone in the house gasped at her.

"Did I say that out loud?" said Lavender.

"That's it! You are officially off my dance partner list!" said Wilma.

Dudley came in and said "What's going on here?" 

"Dudley. Your mother admits it. She did everything she's blaming me for" said Penelope.

"Mum... why?" said Dudley.

"My Dudley... how can you date her no matter what she does? You're the only way I can have your father again. Please come with me" said Lavender.

"Mum, I'm not engaged to you! I'm engaged to Penelope!" Dudley confessed quickly. 

"What?! You invited me here and lied to me about being engaged?!" Lavender shouted.

"I needed to lie! It's why I told you to get to know Penelope. Meanwhile, I've been trying to figure out how to tell you without giving you a heart attack!" said Dudley.

"Dudley, I shan't let you get married! It gets me even farther away from your father! You don't even have money after that ridiculous company made off with it!" Lavender shouted.

"No, Mum! I won't let you! Penelope loves me for who I am, not what I have! And I'm done letting your neophobia ruin my life!" Dudley shouted back.

He ran off in tears and slammed the door behind him.

"Shauna here and I are engaged too. And my mother is nothing but excited. Why can't you be like that?" Newton scolded Lavender.

He followed Dudley upstairs. 

Texas Guys ep. 19- "You Are She"Where stories live. Discover now