Chapter 6

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Newton was comforting the distraught Dudley in their bedroom.

"So between he self-stained dress, her self-destroyed shoes and everything else she blamed poor Penelope for... I just don't know if I can..." Dudley began.

He couldn't say anymore as his tears were really falling.

"Dudley... have you even tried to stand up to your mother before? I stood up to mine and things changed" said Newton.

"Mine's not as easy to talk to as yours, Newton" said Dudley.

"Well, we could argue with that one, but..." said Newton.

"Oh, it's hopeless, Newton! I'm not even sure I'm the perfect guy for Penelope. Her perfect guy wouldn't have a mother like mine" said Dudley.

"Well, in your defense, there are very few of us perfect guys out there" said Newton.

"Ordinarily, I'd call you selfish for that, but I actually think you're right. Miss Lisa married a guy who collects nesting dolls. How imperfect can that be?" said Dudley.

"Dudley... if you're not perfect, what are you?" said Newton.

"Well, I'm upset with my mother. How about that?" said Dudley.

"Oh, poppycock! You're a great actor, very kind, very handsome... you, Dudley Leicester, are nothing less than perfect for the likes of Penelope Creed" said Newton.

"And you, Newton Weekes... are nothing less than perfect for the likes of Shauna Hawkins" Dudley complimented.

"Well, thank you, Dudley. Now. I know you can handle your mother. She knows you're engaged now, so you can't lose" said Newton.

Dudley dried his eyes and thought things through. 

"I suppose" he said.

"Good. Now don't let me see you cry. Let's go defend ourselves" said Newton with a smile.

Texas Guys ep. 19- "You Are She"Where stories live. Discover now