Chapter 4

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Lavender seemed to get along with Penelope.

"Has my son gotten any acting jobs since he met you? Do you know?" she asked.

"Not as far as I know. But his partner Newton recently doubled for the Beatles" said Penelope.

"How... wonderful. But isn't that dangerous?" said Lavender.

"Yeah. But Newton was brave about it" said Penelope.

Just then, Penelope was to grab herself a drink, but she seemed to spill it on Lavender's dress.

"Mrs Leicester! I am so sorry!" said Penelope.

Lavender fearfully ran out of the room to find Dudley.

"Dudley! My darling, look what your girlfriend did to me!" she cried.

"Mum, she would never do that on purpose. And if you ask me, the orange juice looks good on you" said Dudley with a smile.

Penelope then came out and said "Mrs Leicester? I also noticed your shoes are rather... lopsided".

Lavender took her shoes from Penelope and said "You monster! You ruined my shoes! Dudley, how can you date her?! She ruins everything!"

Then she ran off.

"Geez! Does your mother always overreact like this?" said Penelope.

"Yes. But I also know you'd never ruin anything" said Dudley.

"I never touched her shoes. And I couldn't have spilled my orange juice on her dress while I was still drinking it" said Penelope.

"My... it's worse than I thought. I think she's trying to convince me to break our engagement and come back to her" said Dudley.

"Why does she do that?" said Penelope.

"Well... when my father passed away, I was all she had. According to her anyway" said Dudley.

"So the reason she's so scared of letting you mature and do something worthwhile is because you remind her of your dad?" said Penelope.

"Exactly. She wants my father so I'm her last hope" said Dudley. 

"What are we gonna do?" said Penelope.

"Well, let's see if things change. If they do, I'll be able to tell her. If not... I don't know what" said Dudley. 

Texas Guys ep. 19- "You Are She"Where stories live. Discover now