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As we land, I take note of every detail and catalog it in my mind.

This is going to be my home for a while.

Today seemed busy. We loom over a large base with several buildings and Humvees rolling in on each side. As we started to land, I took note of the faces I saw.

I handed Price my headset and got up out of my seat before he did.

A man with a mohawk walked toward where we were and greeted Price when he stepped out of the aircraft.

"How was your flight, sir." Mohawk man said.

Scottish accent. I took note.

"It went fine, I have some business to speak with you about later, but for right now, I'd like you to meet Lieutenant Wren Creed."

Mohawk man turns his attention to me and smiles a kind smile. "Nice to meet you. I go by the name Soap."

Ah. Soap.

He extends a hand. I take it.

"I've heard about you," I say.

"I hope only good things," He chuckles, "I've heard about you too."

"Oh really? What have you heard," I ask with a snarky grin.

Price butts in. "Alright, you two, enough chit-chat. We need to introduce you to the others," He says to me.

Price is very to the point, I've noticed. I collect myself before we head to one of the larger buildings in the camp. Men run past us as we do so, and I try and observe who they are as they pass.

We walk inside the building and through some hallways before we reach the room with several men inside. It was a large, dimly lit room with a table in the center and some papers spread across it. There were about three other men in here before Price, Soap, and I walked in. They were all talking amongst themselves before they saw their Captain walk in. They quickly fell silent.

Price speaks up and introduces me. Soap joins the others on the other side of the room.

"This is Wren Creed. She will be another one of your Lieutenants from now on." Price says while surveying the room. "So treat her with respect,"

From the corner of my eye, I see something shift in the shadows. It was the only corner of the room where the light didn't reach entirely. Which made it hard for me to see who was over there.

Price ignores introductions and turns to me, looking at me to see if I'd like to say something.

"It's nice to meet you guys finally," I say, trying to give the impression that I had my shit together. I do not. My heart was racing inside my chest as these grown men studied me under their eyes.

I've been falling apart these past few days for some reason, and It's driving me crazy. Men have never intimidated me before, but this felt different than just that. I am trying to understand why.

Price then deals with the task at hand.

"Alright, let's get this shit show rolling." He says

One of the men spoke up for the first time since I walked in. "We have some issues about our artillery firearms down south. Mexican soldiers are taking it upon themselves to track our camps down and destroy any equipment we have at their disposal." then silence fell again for a second or two.

"What're you thinking about over there, Lt," Soap asks the shadow from across the room.

The man in the corner slowly emerged from the darkness.

He loomed over the men in the room, which was striking. His figure was massive. He had his arms crossed and a mask covering his face...

A skull mask.

'He doesn't have a photo because he refuses to show his face to anyone,' Price's words echoed within my thoughts.

He looked terrifying compared to the others; maybe it was his disposition. His gaze fell on the table in front of him and the papers displayed across it.

"We need to send more combatants down there to reinforce the security and identify where the problem is coming from," Ghost says sternly.

He had a husky voice and an accent, unlike Soaps. He was British. There were so many different kinds of people in this task force. I've never seen anything like it.

His gaze met Price's.

Price looks up and gives Ghost a grin saying, " Well, you heard the man. Ghost, Soap, and Wren will head down there to deal with the task at hand. Head out tomorrow by 0600." He turns to me. "If you need anything radio me," He suddenly seemed to have something on his mind and excused himself from the room.

Ghost picks up a paper off the table and begins reading it. I study him. He is the quiet type, from what I tell. He doesn't seem interested in engaging in conversation with the others.

I should talk to him.

Soap approaches me.

"How long have you been in service?" Soap asks.

This caught me off guard, and I quickly snapped out of my daze, trying to make it less noticeable that I was staring.

"For about four years now, but I'm considered one of the best marksman out there," I say sarcastically.

Soap laughs at my remark, "We'll see about that."

"By the way, what were you going to say to me earlier?" I ask.

"I heard that you were going to be the other Lieutenant."

"That's it?" I silently laugh under my breath. "Seems like such juicy gossip."

"Well, I find it interesting because the other Lieutenant in the room likes to run solo, but I think you'll give him a run for his money." Soap chuckles while looking in Ghost's direction. "I'm interested to see how this will go."

Ghost doesn't return the mood but instead walks out as if he were listening to our conversation. I want to at least get a word out of him before we head off on this mission.

"Don't worry about him. He'll come around eventually," Soap says in an unconvincing tone. "I better show you where you'll be staying," He quickly changes the subject.

We head off in the direction where I'm assuming all the barracks are. We entered a one-room building with a small bathroom, from what it seemed like, in the corner. It had about four beds on each side of the room. I noticed a few men had already claimed theirs by the duffel bags positioned on or under the beds.

"Take whichever one you want. The bathroom is at the end of the room down there," Soap points to where it is, "but other than that, I'll let you get settled in."

He walks out, and I stand there deciding which bed to take. I take the farthest one from the entrance on the left side. I'd rather not be in the middle.

Wren, it's just a bed.

I placed my duffel underneath the bed and walked towards the bathroom. It wasn't a communal bathroom which was odd considering most barracks are set up with one. Which gave me more of a relief than anything. I walked up to the mirror and gazed at the reflection staring back at me. I looked paler than usual, but it was probably nothing. Nerves, I thought to myself. I quickly washed my face with cold water and dried my hands with a paper towel before exiting the room. I walked over to my bed to take out my deodorant and apply some before I headed out to meet Soap.

I quickly realized I wasn't alone. It was as if Ghost was trying to intimidate me just by looking at me. I felt small under his stare.

"I don't enjoy being stalked," I say without glancing in his direction.

No response.

I heard the bathroom door slam shut before I could even look up.





His Muse ( Simon Riley x Soap MacTavish x Reader )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu