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I made a playlist for the beginning scene of this chapter, there is an external link but If that doesn't work here's an alternative. Enjoy :)



Night has fallen as music vibrates throughout the large expanse of the room. People carry themselves through the melody, sweat coating their skin. There's hardly any light besides the vibrant beams that move erratically.

I lean against a table that serves the alcohol. A cup in hand, watching as everyone in the room forgets about the world around them. Breathing in unison as liquor clouds their senses. Couples dance on one another, friends laugh together, and the birthday boy leans against a doorframe, watching just as I am. It's his day, and yet he doesn't act like it.

Alex nudges my shoulder, "You pulled that off well. Good job."

I look up towards him, "I've been meaning to talk to you," my eyes narrow, "what happened to Price not being here til after the party?"

Sarcasm plays itself in his eyes, "Things change, I guess."

A scoff escapes my lips.

I want to be done with this conversation. Alex doesn't seem to agree. His eyes never leaving my face, studying my irate expression, "What's with the attitude? I'd think that would've benefited the nonexistent relationship the two of you have."

My hands tense around the plastic cup. Liquid begins to rise, "Yeah, well, it didn't." I look across the room.

Alex chuckles beside me, "People are going to stop being around you if you keep acting like that." My ears flush as my breathing becomes heavy.

Alcohol filters through my mind, blanketing my thoughts by the second. Ghost shifts against the frame, his demeanor unwavering. The candescent lights shift over him in a red glow as his eyes snap to Alex's movements. Alex nudges my shoulder again, laughing, "Look at Gaz," I ignore him, lifting the drink to my lips and finishing it.

Turning towards the table, I pour more of the amber liquid. The bitter taste ignites my throat in a pleasant pain.

Music fogs my mind as the dosage of alcohol begins coursing through me. Breathing comes heavier to me as I walk towards the dance floor. Moving around the herds of people. Hands move along my back and shoulders. The music blares, making my eyes fall closed. I move with the rhythm of the music. I fall victim to the strangers around me, forgetting who I am. I'm not a soldier. I am not even human in this moment. My hands are above my head as I dance. It's as if there is no one in this room with me. The voices have diminished as the music courses through me.

A hand reaches my hip, making my eyes snap open. The stranger's grin is chilling, discomfiting. His hand moves from my hip to below my bust. My body tenses. I grab his hand, moving it away from my body as fast as possible.

"What the fuck," I yell over the room's ambiance.

"What's your name?" His auburn hair sticks to his forehead in a damp mess.

He's not handsome in any way. His yellowed teeth shine back at me, making my stomach turn. My mind runs a million miles an hour trying to think of a way to escape this. He's larger than I am, but that has never been a problem before.

"Jane," comes out of my mouth before I have time to think.

"Jane," He hums, grabbing my hip again.

My eyebrows knit together as I grab the hand gripping my hip. My movements have become sluggish as the last glass of liquor spreads throughout my consciousness. The stranger's grip overpowers me.

His Muse ( Simon Riley x Soap MacTavish x Reader )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat