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DISCLAIMER: I have edited a majority of the story. If you're new, refrain from this disclaimer, but if you've been here for a while, I have rewritten from chapter seven til now. So, I advise you to reread it.

Thank you.

Months later...

I haven't been able to sleep throughout the nights, drifting in and out of consciousness. My mind wanders more than anything. It seems my life has become a neverending loop of anxiety for others and myself.

Sweat coats my forehead as I snap awake.
A click sounded in my room again, brief and quiet. I sit up rapidly and glance at my surroundings. Darkness surrounds me as my eyes adjust to it. No one is in here. I look at my door, half expecting it to look different, but I'm disappointed when I see no one standing there.

I move quickly. My consciousness drives into autopilot as my feet carry me. I open my door rapidly with a jolt. Sweat coats my neck as I peer out of my doorway for any sign of life. Darkness greets me, teasing me. The local doors surrounding my room haven't a light or sound behind them. Not even crickets sing tonight as I listen. Silence.

It makes me nauseous.

How can this person move with such swiftness that I can't even catch them, let alone hear them? A chill crawls up my spine as I stand there. Damned whoever decided to place lockless doors in this building. I quickly shut the door again before rushing to my bed.

I only hear them leave, never enter. Someone has been slipping into my room in the dead of night for weeks. I hear them click my door shut each time, haunting me.

In the beginning, there were very few instances where this person would appear, but as the days progressed... it became more frequent. I tried to chalk it up to restless hallucinations. But as they became more frequent, I no longer believed it was a hallucination. Because I knew It was real.

They were real.


Walking has come effortless to me now. Pain no longer follows my every move. The only evidence of that day is the scars that marry my skin. I healed entirely several weeks ago; since then, I've been active around the base. Price mentioned that I'd soon be sent off on an assignment. Excitement rushes through my nerves even thinking about it.

When I found out about what happened with Soap, anguish tore through me. I didn't want what happened to me to repeat itself through him. Price sought me out for a meeting several days after discovering what happened. Soap evacuated with a shot to the shoulder. While trying to evade his attackers, he dislocated his knee but managed to disguise himself behind some dense brush. If he hadn't been airlifted away quicker, he would have died. Thinking about what could have happened makes me sick.

Alex snaps me out of my trance, "Are you even listening to me?"

I pause my fixation from the gear that rests in my hands, "I don't know how you're gonna pull this off," a smile grazes my lips.

Alex looks at me in my peripheral, "You just need to get him there, and I'll do the rest." He leans against the table with his arms crossed in front of him.

"Ghost won't follow me anywhere, not even if his life depended on it. He hasn't said a word to me since he's gotten back." The night vision goggles that won't seem to work suddenly pause in my hands as I look up at him. "We hardly talk. Who's to say he won't suspect a thing." I look down at the goggles again, "Ghost's smarter than that."

Alex sighs heavily, "I think you're blowing this out of proportion. You two are supposed to be closer than that."

"Alex, we might be partners, but in no way do we act like it. I don't think we've ever carried a conversation."

His Muse ( Simon Riley x Soap MacTavish x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now