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The blades cut through the air in rhythmic vibrations, carrying us through the frigid air. The sun has risen. Clouds envelop the sky in dreary masses, making it seem like rain might come.

We have been traveling for about five hours, stopping here and there to get gas when needed. Only a few words were exchanged throughout the trip between Soap and I. Ghost kept to himself.

"We are about twenty minutes away," Soap says.

"Will we have enough fuel? We have to almost be out, " I state, looking out through the windshield.

"Just about, aye, Lt." Soap looks in Ghost's direction.

"We'll land when I see a safe landing space," Ghost states.

A few minutes pass, and Ghost tells a signaller we're landing. We land in a field surrounded by lush forests. The greenery is beautiful, and I would be exploring it myself if I weren't on a mission.

Ghost cuts off the engine, and I'm the first to step down from the aircraft. I survey my surroundings, trying to see if anything is out of the ordinary.

"I could go for a hike around here," Soap says.

"I wouldn't take you for a hiker," I joke.

"Well, there's a lot that you don't know about me," Soap grins.

"One of our safe houses is about two miles out from here," Ghost steps out of the helicopter holding an assault rifle.

"Well, we better get going," Soap steps back inside for something, leaving Ghost and I outside.

"Are you sure it's safe to leave the chopper here?"

"There isn't a soul for miles." Ghost states, his eyes directed away from me.

That's the first time he's said something that isn't an insult toward me.

I step inside to grab all the equipment I need. On the floor were two sleek black cases with different assault rifles inside. Each rifle had small components that separated them from each other. Although to our advantage, most of them had silencers on them, which minimalized the noise a gun can make when fired. I grabbed a precision rifle, which I'm most comfortable using, and the ammunition for it. I loaded a handgun in my side holster and another one hidden in my vest.


We started walking in the direction of the shelter. Ghost ahead leading the way, I in the middle, and Soap behind me. The dense greenery was becoming difficult to walk. Branches and grass reached to about my abdomen, becoming an obstacle while I tried to match Ghost's pace. He was significantly taller than I was and incredibly unbothered by this.

"Keep up," Ghost turns his face only enough to show the side of it before carrying on.

I don't respond to him and decide to lighten the mood.

"Is this the hike you envisioned," I asked Soap playfully.

"Not necessarily, "He says. "The scenery is worth it, though." Even though he's behind me, I can hear a smile in his voice. He's right, though. In some semblance of this torture, it is worth it. I'm not hating it.

I can tell Ghost picks up the pace out of irritation, and I'm struggling even worse.

"Soap, go ahead and walk in front of me. I don't want to slow you down even more than I already am."

"No, you got this. Aye, Lt., slow down a little. I got shorter legs too," Soap jokes.

I hear Ghost murmur something under his breath as he slows down to a pace I can keep up with. I find his annoyance kind of funny.

His Muse ( Simon Riley x Soap MacTavish x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now