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The darkness felt heavy, oppressive, almost supernatural. It was darker than vantablack, if that's even possible. I soon found myself swallowed up in the nothingness, not able to see my own two hands in front of my face.


I slowly opened my eyes as I could feel my body coming back to its senses. I slowly opened my eyes in hope to analyze where I was, it looked like a Basement.

The Walls were all made of cement and there were no windows whatsoever. The only light in the room was a weak ceiling light, my eyes had finally fully adapted to the room and took a closer look at my surroundings.

There was a closet on the left wall, the floor was made of wood and had red stains on them and those better not be blood stains.

Suddenly all the memories came flooding back to me. Did someone kidnap me? did John find me?

I tried to move but found myself being tied to a chair. I tried to reach for my pocket knife which I always held in my back pocket, but It wasn't there.

"Shit" I cursed.

"Looking for this" a man's voice said swinging my pocket knife in the air, voice filled with amusement. I flinched not knowing someone had entered the room.

The man slowly walked further into the light, letting me fully see him. He was wearing an black suit, his hair was black and I'd guess him around 6.5 feet, his eyes reminded me of my own.

"I- Yes, who are you?" I said trying to keep my voice steady. rule 1: never show your fear.

"Emilio Alvarez, but I guess you already knew that didn't you?" he said walking around me.

Alvarez. So I didn't get kidnapped, well not by a random person at least. But he looked way to young to be my father. Maybe I had the wrong person.

Either way, what do I say know.
Hey in case you didn't know I think I'm your long-lost family member, and I'm here because my mom died, surprise!

Yeah no.

"Who do you work for?" He sneered, interrupting my thoughts. Rude, I know.

"I came here by myself and I'm not working for anyone." I said calmly while analyzing his face, we had the same eyes and nose.

"Bullshit" he cursed, suddenly trowing a knife just a few millimeters from my face.

"What the fuck" I yelled. "I didn't even do anything!"This guy is fucking delusional. He skipped stage one of even pretending to be nice.

"now, I'm going to ask it one more time. Who. Send. You. Here." He said grabbing another knife from the closet against the wall.

"I'm not working for anyone you asshole, now stop trying to kill me and let me fucking speak" I yelled. now more annoyed then scared. Normally I would never dare to lash out at someone like that, but he was really getting on my nervous, and well, he kidnapped me.

For a split second his expression seemed to be surprised at my outburst, but then something switched and his eyes became very dark. Shit.

He took big strikes towards me and put his knife against my throat. putting just enough pressure to make a small cut.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOURE TALKING TO YOU PIECE OF SHIT" he yelled. Making me flinch in fear.

"I- I honestly don't know but if you can stop trying to kill me I can explain." I said, my voice coming out smaller then expected.

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