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TW: mention of violence


Right as we into the office, he got a phone call. "I have to take this, make yourself comfortable." He said, quickly walking out of the room, muttering some words in Spanish.

The room gave a dark and kill vibe, the walls were gray to black and the walls were covered in drawers with files.

I walked up to his desk and sat down in one of the chairs opposite to it.
The desk was pretty messy and cluttered with random documents. Before I got the change to take a closer look, I heard my father entering again and quickly sat back up straight.

"Sorry for the wait, I had some business to take care of" he sighed, sitting down at his desk. He looked up at me and analyzed my face. "From all of my kids, I'd say you look the most like me" he silently said.

I gave him a small smile.

"First I wanted to say that I- we are so glad to have you back, I want you to know that if I knew of your existence earlier I would have looked for you" he started.

"And I know this must be hard for you since your mother recently passed, so if you would like me to set up a funeral for you and her loved ones..." he stated.

"Thank you for the offer, but my mom didn't have many people she cared about, so I don't think that will be necessary" I kindly smiled. It was true, my mom only did enemies, not friends. And I doubt my stepfather actually cared for her.

"Then no funeral it is, would you like to have her be cremated-"

"That would be great, thank you" I interrupted, I didn't want to talk about my mother anymore. He gave me a look that said 'are you okay' and I just gave him a small nod.

"Okay then sweetheart, since you're going to be living with us, I want to set up some rules for your own safety" he mumbled, looking through his drawer.

He handed me a piece of paper and I looked over it.

"I'll explain them to you as we go through them" he suggested, I nodded.

"Rule one, You will be homeschooled since you can't roll in half semester, after that you'll join your brothers at a private school nearby"

"Rule two, boy and guy friends are off the table unless approved by us"

"Rule three, curfew is set at 9, after that the security won't let anyone through, so if you're going to be home later you need to warn us beforehand."

"And lastly, rule number four, the most important rule. You are not allowed on the third floor and basement, for safety reasons. That is our working space, and the guards won't always know the difference between enemies and friends."

"That is everything, any comments or things you don't understand?" He asked.

"I graduated from both school and college, I got a scholarship to do a quicker version of college, and I was an early high school graduate" I implied.

"That, is really impressive sweetheart" he smiled, a like of surprise on his face. "What are your degrees?"

"Hacking and cybercrime" I answered. To be honest, I have never really been that interested in hacking and cybercrime. But I was young and Jaden suggested it, so I could help him and his 'business' which consisted mostly out of selling drugs.

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