Chapter 1: The Nightmare (Part I)

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She was standing in the middle of somewhere. Her surroundings felt somewhat unpleasant. When she opened her eyes, fear started to fill her emerald-orbs. The sight before her was terrifying, dead bodies were everywhere. It reeks of a corpse and dried blood. She could hear the whispers and she assumes that those are the voices of the dead.

Suddenly a hand hold her right leg and before she knew it, those hands were slowly dragging her below...

"Help!!" Saber screamed as she bolted up from her sleep. She was panting and sweating, the aircon wasn't helping at all. She looked on her surrounding, there's no dead bodies, no blood stains and swords. She removed the cover from her body, revealing her white and short nightgown. Saber tied her golden locks into a loose bun. It was just 5:30 a.m in the morning, yet she's here. Wide awake and trying to recall her nightmare. It was the 5th time this month, her doctor, Rider, said that it was just because of stress.

"You're up so early, Saber." Turning around, Saber was greeted by his yawning and probably still sleepy older brother Arthur, who throw himself on the couch and turned the tv on. "What's up? Didn't Dr. Rider told you to take a rest and enough rest?" He questioned, his emerald-eyes demanding an answer to his younger sister.

Saber hesitated at first, but then she was left with no choice. "I woke up from a nightmare... So that's why." She responded plainly as she poured herself a glass of cold water and drink it in one gulp. Arthur looked at her with so much confusement on his face.

"And that would be?" He questioned, giving his full attention to her. Saber sighed, she wants to avoid his gaze but she knows that it would only worry him more. "My nightmares are all the same, it's the same nightmare." She answered. Her voice cracked and her body started shaking. Arthur sighed, he get off the couch and approached her younger sister. His arms wrapped around Saber's, encasing her on his warmth and protection.

"Hush now Saber. That's only a nightmare."

"But it's the 5th time this month!" Her complain came out as a muffled one as Arthur purposely crashed Saber's face against his chest, his hand gripping the back of her head to keep her still. He knows how she behaves whenever she's freaking out and it sometimes makes the neighbors to complain. Especially now, he'd rather have a bruise or hand print on his face than having the neighbors complain to them for who knows how many times this month because of Saber freaking out.

And right he was. A punch landed on his right eye, leaving a purple bruise on it. Saber was fuming, maybe because of her brother's sudden action. It just not hurt her nose but she accidentally bit her tongue. "That hurts Arthur!" She complained rubbing her nose. Arthur gave her a cheeky grin as his response making Saber to be pissed even more.

"It's so noisy... It's only damn 5:30 in the morning, early birds." A voice snapped them. Standing beside them was Lancelot who has a bed hair, while rubbing the sleepiness out of him. "Sorry. Saber's on her nightmare again." Arthur apologized. Lancelot joined them in the kitchen, his elbow leaning against the well furnished counter. "Again? It's the 5th time this month." He said, his eyes were being filled with worry. This had never happened to her.

"Sorry..." Saber mumbled. Her head hung low, and hands clenched into a tight fist. Heavy hands landed on her head, tilting her head up, what greeted her was the warm smile of her two older brothers. "Don't worry. I know what we'll do today." Lancelot chirped as he pull his hand away. Saber and Arthur looked at him confusingly before a cheeky smile lingered on his face. "Let's go out! Only the three of us, it's been a long time ever since studying ate our quality time away." He said making the other two to agree with him.

"Damn university..." Arthur joked playfully making Saber and Lancelot to laugh, but their cheerful laughters vanished as long as they heard what's being reported on the news.

"Today 3 female teenagers was brutally murdered in an alleyway. One of the witnessed said that the man was wearing a plain white shirt, over it is a purple vest and has a light orange hair color. By now, the police are starting to search for the suspect."

"Isn't its the 8th time that someone was brutally murdered?" Lancelot's expression were turned into a disgusted and pissed one. His brows were furrowed. Arthur only nodded in agreement as he watched and listened to the news. "That's horrible..." Saber said as she looked over her two older brothers who looked back at her with a reassuring look. "Don't worry Saber, we'll protect you." They said in unison making Saber to chuckle.

But then a knock on their door interrupted them. "I'll answer it!" Arthur chirped happily as he skipped to answer the door. Opening it, he was greeted by a rather large and muscled man. "Good morning boy! I'm the manager of the band Réalta Nua. Is Saber Pendragon by any chance awake already?" He asked. A bit of despair to see the young lady awake on this hour lingering on his features. Arthur looked on his back first then back to the man in front of him. "Yes, so come in." He stepped to the side, giving a way for the man to come in.

"Mr. Iskandar, good morning." Saber greeted as she finished fixing her hair into a braided bun. She was wearing her usual outfit that consist of a white long sleeve dress shirt and a navy-blue skirt that goes down above her knees, under the confines were a black stocking to keep her flawless skin away from greedy eyes. While Iskandar was his usual shirt that looks so fitted on his muscled body and pants.

The man grinned before he fetch out something from his pocket. A nice looking light pink envelope with a very expensive kind of seal. Saber cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms and leg as her emerald eyes observe the important looking envelope. "What's that?" She questioned. Iskandar let a couple of his loud laughs to escape from his chest, "This was an invitation sent to me by the manager of the noon time show Carneval Prism. They want us to perform there!" He said. A cheeky smile never leaving his features.

Saber choked on his words. Was it true? Their going to perform for the famous noon time show Carneval Prism? Even before she could freak out, a pillow crashed over Saber's face to keep her from freaking out startling Mr. Iskandar. "Oh that's great! No problem Sir, that is a great opportunity." Answered Lancelot who's heaving a hard time keeping Saber still.

"Is that so? Well Saber, just meet up with the other band members at exact 2:00 pm later this afternoon. I shall inform the others too. Your uncle Kiritsugu volunteered to manage you guys." And with that said, Iskandar bid his goodbye towards the flailing Saber and left the house.

Its a good thing that Lancelot wasn't harmed like Arthur who got a black-eye early in the morning compare to Lancelot's hand print on the right side of his cheek.


Hell yeah . How's this ? I'm sorry if it was short and got a bit messed up , but no worries guys I'll make each chapter exciting //slapped

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~ AkiraIzumi ★

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