♞Extra Chapter: Talking About Household♞

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"Saber! Saber! Wake up!"

The loud banging in front of the young lady's door, not to mention how wild it was were the only thing that made the resident from the neighborhood, Mr. Waver Velvet to knock the house. A visible shade of color red, not because he's shy but because of the building anger in him.

"I'll answer the banging in front of the door, brother Arthur." Said Lancelot who just finished talking on the phone for nearly but good 15 minutes.

"Oh! If it isn't Mr. Velvet? Good morning Mr. Velvet! What can I do for you?"

Lancelot greeted cheerfully as soon as he peeked his head and fully open the door wide. His cheerful 5 a.m in the morning smile didn't make Mr. Velvet's scowl to vanished, a vein popped on his head.

"What's so good in the morning when this house is so noisy in the middle of freaking 5 a.m in the morning?!" Mr. Velvet hissed angrily. His face red, a laugh being stopped by Arthur himself. Mr. Velvet stomped his way away from the Pendragon residence, Lancelot burst out laughing.

"You should've seen that, Arthur!" He exclaims with a burst of laughters. "His face was as red as a ripped tomato would!"

Arthur facepalmed knowing how playful Lancelot would behave when it comes to facing Mr. Waver Velvet in the middle of a cold dawn.

"The banging didn't help waking me up but had our lives in the line." Behind them was a still sleepy yet a bit irritated Saber. She yawn upon rubbing her eyes, "You know Velvet hates it when he hears loud bangs, thinking that somethings up." she said with her arms crossed.

Lancelot clicked his tongue as he tilted his head to the side, "But still you should've seen how red his face was!" he teased and burst into laughters again. Arthur who's filled with discipline smacked his younger brother on the head, sending him whining. A sigh leaving him.

"And Saber, why don't you just set an alarm clock?" Arthur quiet reminded, knowing that Saber had never used her alarm clock in her entire life, but only the loud banging and them waking her up served as her alarm clock.

"Oh that.. I used it once but Diarmuid broke it. The one night he had an overnight here, he admitted he hates alarm clocks that's why Lord Melliot always have a hard time waking him." Saber explains, giggles left past her lips.

"Is that so..." Arthur cocked an eyebrow. Not believing that Diarmuid would hate alarm clocks that much, he have to break them into pieces.

"And another thing Saber, Lord Melliot wants to talk to you later~" her brother Arthur chirped while pouring hot water on the 3 cups of coffee in front of him. The hot smoke coming from the thermos, relaxing, as the cold temperature lowers for a bit.

Not asking anymore further, Saber nodded and went inside her room to change. Its one way or another why Lord Melliot wants to talk to her, such a strange thing for a man who only cares for the strength and power of magic.


"I'm telling you Ryuunosuke, If you won't leave me alone I'll definitely break your face." Saber warned towards Ryuunosuke who had been irritating her since when she got into the university. The silent ambiance and atmosphere were relaxing but the person accompnying her is near to its death.

"But c'mon Saber! You'll enjoy as much as I would do!" Ryuunosuke forced and as expected a punch landed on his face leaving a black eye to him. The students stared for a while to them before Saber's glare sent them back on their tasks.

"Heyo, Saber!" Greeted Diarmuid who's standing in the threshold of the Library. A god-like smile made Saber blush, but the irritation in her didn't left her. She made her way towards him and slings her arm against his, she may not do it everyday but Diarmuid knows that this is how Saber relieves her irritation judging on how tight her hold is just like now.

"Anyway Saber, M―" Diarmuid begun but was already cut off.

"Lord Melliot wants to talk to me? Knew that already. He needn't worry if its about business, Mother and Father will be home tomorrow." Saber said, and juding by her smile despite the early annoyance, Diarmuid knows that she's happy to see her parents again.

Diarmuid smiled, "You're happy aren't you?" He asked Saber who giggled at his question.

"Of course I am. But half-sad in anyway, maybe because I won't be able to stay much more longer in some gigs. You know how dad behaves when it comes to my 'band' career." She said in sarcasm. Diarmuid laugh, knowing how would Lord Artemis Pendragon behaves when the topic is his one and only daughter, Saber Pendragon.

But the sudden silence that eneveloped Saber worried Diarmuid. The young lass may not look pale, but the emotion swirling through her emerald orbs gave Diarmuid somewhat a hint of a comeback. Was it just him or someone's on the move to get the treasure back?

"Pardon... Diarmuid for my sudden silence." As realization hit her, she apologized as soon as he saw the worried emotion of her lover, a look of both worry and fear she never saw before was what put Diarmuid into a state of short illusion, until a familiar voice echoed through his eardrums; Gilgamesh Rimat-Ninsun.

"Good morning, Saber, Diarmuid O'Dyna." He greeted, emphasizing Diarmuid's name in a mocking way, which was followed by Enkidu's remarkable morning smile that could make majority of the girls be melted. Gilgamesh smiled mockingly before giving Saber a wink, a blush crept into Saber's cheek as she remembered what happened on their last meeting.

A quiet "Tch" was what Diarmuid replied making Gilgamesh to laugh teasingly and shot his hands up playfully. But his red eyes weren't focused on Diarmuid's golden ones instead, to a certain emerald ones. And even before Diarmuid could react through it, Gilgamesh turned on his heel and walked away.

Is he mocking me?! Gilgamesh... Diarmuid thought, a visible vein on his head.

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