♚Chapter 4: Coincidence?♚

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She could feel nothing but pleasure, her body moving and rocking along with someone hovering over her, her vision is blury probably because it's clouded by lust. She could see through it even though it was blury, golden hair and red eyes...

She shivered as the person above her leaned down and whispered her name erotically. She is being violated and dominated by the golden man but she isn't fighting back instead she could feel pure happiness flowing through her veins.


A groan escape out of Saber's as she suddenly fell off from her bed, causing a light-purple bruise to appear on her forehead. But instead of complaining on how her head hurts from the early greeting, Saber felt her cheeks heat, her body suddenly feeling hot. Red hues dusted her cheeks as she somehow remembered her dream, it was different from her nightmare. It wasn't a nightmare yet it was a lustful dream.

She shook her head and shrugged the feeling off. "Gilgamesh..." she mumbled as she stand up with her bed supporting her weight and a bit dizy mind.

"Saber...?" A voice snapped the wandering Saber out of her thoughts. She blinked her eyes two times before giving her full attention towards Shirou, her trusted best friend. "Huh?" She replied while rubbing her eyes, that became a bit reddish after. "Nevermind. Do you have a check-up today?" Shirou questioned, purposely stopping on his track to inspect his best friend. Saber nodded, she was too tired to even answer a simple question.

The cheerful laughters that were getting closer stopped Shirou on forming his words, there passed by Enkidu with Gilgamesh wearing the same flashy clothing but in different brand and designer. "Good morning Saber-chan!" Enkidu beamed as soon as he took noticed of Saber and Shirou. "Good morning, Enkidu-san." Shirou replied, while Saber bowed and smile before her eyes shifted towards the golden-headed man who's behind Enkidu. As if on cue, Enkidu pulled Shirou towards his and walked away from the two.

"H-Hey..." Gilgamesh started. His voice cracking a bit, red eyes hesitating to meet emerald ones. He let out a deep and heavy sigh, "I-I... want to apologized about what happened the other day." Gilgamesh scratched the back of his head and flinched when he gained no response from Saber. "Just forget about it..." She finally said, enough to cheer Gilgamesh in a bit. He wanted to hug her but somebody took their attention towards the standing man behind Saber who has a pissed and irritated expression. "What do you want with Saber?" Diarmuid growled. His golden-brown eyes' look so threatening. "Trying to flirt?" He mocked in annoyance.

Gilgamesh swallowed the hard lump that had formed on his throat. He was once the King of Heroes who's feared by many, who claims the love and the King of Knights itself as his. He's was so strong, within the blink of an eye many would die with the use of his Noble Phantasm; Gate of Babylon. But all of that was in the past, now that he was reincarnated as a human he is powerless. His fight will be much more difficult he assumed it'll be a war between a "King" and a "Knight".

Diarmuid smirked triumphantly, seeing despair and fear being reflected on Gilgamesh's red eyes is enough to feel the victory of having Saber's love for all eternity. He cooly entwined his hand with Saber's, gave her a warm look making the young lass to blush they walked away, heading to their respected classes, and there left the once King of Heroes, hopeless with fear over-taking his determination. He balled his hand into a tight fist, his eyes squeezed shut, tears pricking in the corner. He must not break here, but he wasn't able, his tears rolled down his paled cheeks sobbing silently to avoid getting the despair even more closer.

"Saber-chaaan~!" Rin called rather loudly as she tackled the tired and irritated looking Saber on her sit. "Get your voice muted, Rin..." Rin's older brother, Archer, hissed as he picked his ear to flick the irritating voice of his sister away, receiving a glare from her afterwards. Saber sighed, she had just finished dealing with her crazy proffesor Mr. Gilles who wouldn't stop on calling her "Jeanne" and her classmate and half-stalker, Ryuunosuke Uryuu, and now deal with the siblings that would fight every minute and will not stop until she hit the two of them with her shinai.

Her emerald eyes scanned outside through the window and had Enkidu spotted talking with Shinji and his new girlfriend whom he'll only use to get a boner and then take its' virginity away. Surprisingly, Gilgamesh was not with him. She shrugged the feeling off and let Rin to pull her to the cafeteria to eat their lunch, of course with an irritated and pissed Archer, and nervous Shirou following behind.

"Isn't Shinji going to eat with us?" Archer grumbled as he sat beside Diarmuid who's sitting right beside Saber and across Shirou who's sitting beside Rin. Diarmuid shook it's head, "He said he's going to eat with his girlfriend..." he responded calmly as he took a bite of his sausage shaped to a baby octopus. "He'll never find happiness in his life.." Shirou muttered under his breath. Saber nodded, taking a bite of her shrimp tempura prepared by her older brother Lancelot. It isn't like she can't do anything, actually she can, but Lancelot and Arthur would not let her.

"Shirou, I'll come with Saber to go to her check-up. Tokiomi-sensei was sulking because you hadn't showed up for him and he wants you to make up for those days." Diarmuid said making Shirou to sweatdrop. He was been ditching and skipping archery to take care of Saber until the time her brother gets home safely. Ever since she became distressed all of a sudden, she looked a bit pale and fragile so Lancelot and Arthur asked for his help. Shirou facepalmed, he's sure that Kotomine wouldn't let him practice that easily. He grumbled and soon slammed his face on the table startling everyone who's still eating.

Diarmuid had a cheeky grin on his face as if to mock him. "Fine." Shirou answered, his eyes looking so bored. Until the voice of the most teasingly and hyper-active crazy student of Fuyuki University broke the simple momentum in the cafeteria. "Waah~ Saber-chan!" He called but even before he could flirt with the said lass, he was already hit by her shinai, his face kissing the tiled floor. "If you may excuse me..." Saber said as she walked out of the cafeteria, and no one dared to follow her even Diarmuid for seeing Ryuunosuke Uryuu is enough to make the happy momentum into an annoying one.

Glares was given towards Ryuunosuke by everyone in the cafeteria. A nervous smile crept into his face before he hurriedly rushed out of the cafeteria yet with an evil grin plastered on his face.

With the walls supporting each of her steps, Saber made her way to the girl's restroom. She was so close but suddenly her vision became a bit blurry. "Saber!" She heard her name called, she could see a golden hair and pair of worried red eyes. "Saber hang in there!" She once again heard him called and felt her body lifted a bit before darkness overtook her.

♚Love of Two Kings♚ [Gilgamesh X Saber Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora