♚Chapter 7: Gilgamesh Rimat-Ninsun♚

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So to avoid any confusion on how and why the hell Gilgamesh had a surname here, originally he have no surname, I just had to use "Rimat-Ninsun" which was one of the place he was born between the union of Uruk, Lugalbanda and goddess Rimat-Ninsun.

So have fun reading ~

Gilgamesh's POV

"You better fix that mistake of yours if you don't want to get fired..." My uncle, Kotomine hissed on the phone while walking back and forth in front of me. If I could only smack and beat him here and there, I would definitely do it but, because he took me in when I was reincarnated I can't. I groaned loudly as I set the magazine I have been reading while listening to old man's complains.

"What's up? Complaining like that..." I mocked and set down the magazine on my lap. Kotomine looked on the magazine first before looking at me. "Hassan made a few mistakes on calculating the stocks..." A heavy sigh left his mouth. I nodded my head, and crossed my arms and legs.

"It seems like you're up to something, Gilgamesh." He snapped. I glared at him before I stand up, my hands inside my pockets. "I'm going shopping so tell Enkidu that I won't be having an overnight at his house.." I said and left the house. I just had to be a bit rude on this person with a reason that I don't know. Maybe its because of the reason that we don't have the same ideals.

A sigh of relief left me as soon as I stepped inside the mall. Good thing it isn't crowded, better shop all the things that I could purchase before winter come. I was so busy wandering that the only one that caught my attention was a girl with a golden hair, an ahoge, that wears a galaxy theme shirt, sexy shorts and cream boots. Was she really the Saber that I knew? She became more wild, fierce, and a total definition of a chick!

Usually, back then, when Shirou would attempt on buying her nice yet sexy clothes, she'll just rip it like paper unneeded. I slowly and carefully walked behind her, not wanting to disturb her on staring on the white dress that has a yellow ribbon on its back. So she also like this kind of clothing... After a minute had passed I tapped her on her shoulder but she suddenly freaked out.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to scare you..." I apologized, scratching the back of my neck. She stared at me as if she was examining me, I avoided eye contact but failed as my red orbs met emerald ones. Her eyes were so beautiful, no wonder why many boys tried devouring my love, especially that damn bastard Dairmuid. She looked back at me before looking back towards the glassed window. My heart skipped a beat before she turned her head back, did she just blush?

"So... what are you doing staring from that window?" I interrupted and cocked on eyebrow to her.

"Just thinking if I should buy that white dress over..." she answered before looking back on the said dress. A small smile formed on my lips as I imagined my beloved Saber wearing that dress, imagining that she is wearing that while we are walking in a place so peaceful with our hands entwined.

"The one with a yellow ribbon?" And she nodded. I smiled when she suddenly looked at me. I don't even know what I'm doing but now that Saber and Me are alone, I should use this chance to get close to her. "Then buy it. It'll make you look even more beautiful..." She let out a sigh before going inside the boutique with me following her behind.

"Ms. Can I try that white dress with a yellow ribbon over there?" She requested and the saleslady immediately complied to her request and get the said clothing. "Just stay here..." she told me before going inside the fitting room.

I looked over my wrist and noticed that Saber hasn't been out of the fitting room yet. I started worrying over the queen that I claimed 20 years ago, since the start of the Fourth Holy Grail War. I decided to check on her... "How are you doing? Let me see you." I called outside with a enough volume of my voice. And I was startled when Saber suddenly busts opened the door, it is not only me who got startled but also the salesladies and other customers.

I'm so amaze by the sight before me. The dress were hugging Saber's perfect and sexy curves, her body and figure looks like it was molded by some kind of goddess because of its perfection. I looked to her face and saw red on her cheeks, she's getting shy being checked by me. I almost laughed at the thought.

"I-is good o-or not?" She demanded and suddenly she hung her head low. Maybe I took several minutes to come up for a nice answer that would definitely make her dump Diarmuid. Not knowing what I should do, I lifted her chin up making her to face me. She averted her eyes on the other way, maybe she's tamed at this moment. I chuckled before letting go of her chin. "Buy that. It really suits you." I told her before turning on my back, I just felt my cheeks burn.

"Hey... Gilgamesh, right? T-thank you for accompanying me..." she said as she suddenly and unconsciously held the sleeve of my black jacket which caught me off guard. And before I knew it, I had her already in my warm embrace. It was the same embrace that I gave to her when we first met in Enkidu's house. "It is a pleasure to accompany you, Saber..." my words came out muffled as my face was buried on her head.

We stayed on that position like forever. My heart was pounding so fast I thought it would burst out of its confines. "My house is way here so I can walk by myself..." She turned on her back and was about to walk when I, without doubt and hesitatiom, suddenly spun her and kissed her forehead. Saying nothing I left.

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