♚Chapter 4.1: Coincidence?♚

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Gilgamesh's POV

Lunch is almost over and here I am, looking for my idiotic friend Enkidu. That mongrel, not telling me where he would go, disappearing all of a sudden. Many students mistaken me as a foreigner, maybe because I wear flashy clothes, perhaps? I'm afraid not. I was just once a heroic spirit in the past that had been reincarnated to live as a human.

I thought I'll be happy if I become a human again, because I could bring back the love that was broken by the Holy Grail War. But it became the opposite. Saber, the King of Knights, the love of my life, doesn't have a memory in the past.

It affected and hurt me like hell. That bastard Diarmuid took this as an advantage to claim Saber as his. I'm so powerless, but I need to fight for my love for Saber. I won't stop until she remembers everything back... Time is the only one I need... Rushing things won't bring any good...

I tried giving Enkidu's phone a call but he isn't answering. Until I noticed someone talking with an inidgo-headed boy. Who was that again? Oh, he must be the playboy in this university, Matou Shinji. And of course, the playboy wasn't alone, he's with his new girlfriend that he'll leave after taking its virginity and find another one.

A heavy and disappointed sigh left my lips, why does Enkidu doing with that mongrel? Nevermind. I was just about to call him when suddenly I heard a loud thud, right behind me. I turned around and saw Saber... on the ground.

"Saber!" I rushed over her side. She was so pale, I heard from Enkidu that she was suffering from stress because of her dreams which she considers as nightmare. "Saber, hang in there!" I said and started to call for help, but before I knew it she was already unconscious.

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