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Sam and some of the villagers fixed the wall and took care of the mobs. Once everything was sealed and back to its former state, they helped retrieve the fallen. Overall, there were just over twenty that didn't survive. Steve watched as they were placed in beds outside respectfully. Armor and arrows were removed from them. The children came running from the gravel path to their parents. Alicia and Forester watched as all of them found them alive except for one. He touched the hand of the man in the bed and cried. Alicia pulled Forester with her to the crying child.

"He was my brother," he said.

Alicia knelt down and wiped the boy's tears away with a finger.

"It'll be okay," she said. "We'll take care of you."

"We promise," Forester said.

Alicia held out her arms, and the boy hugged her. He bawled. His cries made some of the other villagers cry, some silent and some almost as loud as the little boy.

"We're still here," Forester said, kissing Alicia's head. "That's what matters."


The dead were buried and given a proper ceremony. Steve and Sam both cried. Everyone had their own emotional wounds that would most likely be carried for the rest of their lives, but saying goodbye to those who had passed was the way to begin healing their forever wounds.

"We lost some good people," Bernard said, "but they gave... they gave their lives so many more could live. It is nothing less than brave, and they will always be remembered for it. May they meet Notch in a world full of light where the darkness can't touch them anymore."

Bernard finished his eulogy. Lucy stood forward and moved behind the graves.

"I was asked to sing something," she said. "I'm not the greatest, but I said I would do it for them. So... here goes."

She tilted her head down and took a deep breath.

"If you're down below where the sun don't shine,
"all alone inside the mine."
"Just so you know you're not alone,"
"Please come on back home."

"When your name is gone and passed with time,"
"Another word plastered with grime."
"Just so you know we're here for you,"
"just like the morning dew."

"Here in my arms, child, safe from harm,"
"the sun will shine for you."

"When you're lost above with none to guide,"
"You're hungry and scared, afraid to die."
"Just so you know, there's a feast for many,"
"Bring some friends a-plenty."

"When you're hurt and scared, and can't go on,"
"the pain is too much, and the world is gone."
"Just so you know, we're waiting for you,"
"We've felt your pain all-too."

"Here in my arms, child, safe from harm,"
"the sun will shine for you."

She repeated the lyrics of her lullaby. Sam couldn't help but remember his own village that was destroyed. The fires burned in his memory. The crying here at the funeral reminded him of the cries. It was all too much. He left without anyone noticing he was gone. He found a quiet and private spot and cried. He was happy they managed to live, but it was at the cost of so many people. He thought about other villages that weren't as fortunate to survive against the mobs, especially his own.

"You did well."

Sam jumped with a yelp and saw Frank standing close by.

"Frank? What are you doing here?"

"I saw everything that happened. Not many people could have done what you did. You and Steve both did something incredible. So why are you crying?"

He sniffed. "I lost a lot of people. I wish we could have saved them, too."

"You can't let yourself think about that," Frank said with experience. "They're gone. Dwelling on it will not bring them back. What matters is what you do with this pain."

"What do you mean?"

"The mobs will never stop hunting villagers. They will fill this world until there is no more space left to hide. I've been traveling and watching. The Invasion has only just begun."

"I know. I wish there was something we could do. But you were there. You know how hard it was to defeat the dragon. There's no way we could win that."

"Look at what you did here," Frank pointed out. "That's as much a miracle as me still being alive. Who says you can't win?"

Sam wanted to contest, but he knew Frank's words were right. Only the strongest could take down the Ender Dragon. He and Steve were definitely strong after all they went through, both in body and in spirit. He remembered Frank's story and all of those that fought alongside him.

"If we destroy the mobs at the source, we can save the world," Sam said.

Frank smiled, an odd sight for an enderman. "Yes, you can."

"But we don't even know where it is. How are we gonna find it?"

"I... have a way."

Frank took something shiny from his inventory and gave it to Sam. He looked at the strange green orb.

"What is this?"

"It's Ender's eye. I managed to grab it during my fight before... before everything happened. The eye works like a compass. It will show you the way to the stronghold you seek."

Sam tilted the eye in his hand. The iris stayed pointing in the same direction.

"I can't stay for long, but remember Sam. Not many in this world can do what you can do. You can save everyone."

He took out the emerald Steve gave him and looked at it.

"If you don't go, then your friends will have died for nothing. Don't let their deaths be in vain. I believe you and Steve can do this. I wouldn't have trusted Ender's eye unto both of you if I thought otherwise."

He gripped the emerald and put the eye in his inventory. "I'll have to convince Steve to come along. I don't know if I can do it without him."

"However you decide to move forward, just know the world is counting on you. It doesn't have long."

He nodded. "Okay. I'm going to save the world or die trying."

"Good luck."

With that, Frank teleported away. Sam looked at the eye again.

"Sam! Where are you?"

It was Steve. He put it away and stood up.

"Over here!"

Steve approached him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think so. That was... rough."

"I know how you feel. It's like I'm responsible for what happened, but we both know that isn't true. This is Ender's doing. He has to be stopped. I just wish we knew where to find him."

Sam grinned.

"It's funny you mentioned that..."

Minecraft: The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The Invasion TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now