Nothing but Luck

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"It's looking good, guys!" Sam encouraged.

It had taken until midday, but they had finally cleared out all of the foliage on the north side.

"Take a rest for a little while. You earned it."

"That's not the only thing you earned."

Lucy and a few others walked up to the resting workers carrying drinks and food.

"You didn't have to do that," Sam said, taking a bottle of water.

"Why not? Look at how much work you guys did today. And it only took a few hours! I think that deserves a reward."

Her hair shifted over her shoulder as she handed him a fresh apple. Lucy looked at the other workers and spotted young Forester in the distance. He was sitting alone and facing the jungle. Sam caught her gaze and looked.

"He's not happy," Sam said. "When I said we were clearing out the trees, he didn't like the idea. I promised to build a new one after the battle, but he's still upset."

Lucy knew Forester. He was an ambitious woodsman. Seeing him down was unsettling.

"I'll go talk to him," she said.

Hearing her footsteps, he took a glance back.

"Hey Lucy."

"Hey yourself." She held out an apple. "Hungry?"

"Not really."

She pulled out a drink.


He took it and gulped the whole thing down.

"Want another?"

"No, but thanks."

She sat down beside him.

"I know you're not happy about the forest being gone."

"Don't get me wrong, Lucy. I know it had to go. I don't blame Sam for making that decision, either. It's just that..."

"You feel like a part of you was taken away."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Both Steve and Sam lost their homes to these mobs. Instead of letting it destroy them, they came here to warn and help us. They sacrificed a lot to be here. Instead of dwelling on what they lost, they chose to make something better. If they can do that, then so can you. You just have to see the greater outcome and trust that everything that happens is for the good of everyone, including you. No one said there wouldn't be pain, but there is nothing to gain without sacrifice. Everyone is working to do their part, some of us risking our lives to do it. Don't forget the reason why. Okay?"


She got up and walked away, passing out more food and drinks. Forester grabbed a stick and drew a tree in the dirt.

If she ran for Chief, she would win for her speeches.

He smiled at the thought.


Forester heard a girl shriek. She turned to see the girl backing away from a tree. A zombie had emerged underneath and undetected until she had approached. It reached for her. He watched as Sam took notice of the girl in danger and got up. He was too far away to help. Without thinking, Forester started sprinting for her. He grabbed his wooden pickaxe. She turned and started to run but tripped on her feet. She fell on her face. The zombie grew closer. She tried to get up and screamed when she felt it touch her back. Forester threw his pickaxe at the zombie. It vibrated as it cut through the air and stuck in the zombie's forehead. It fell on her, dead. She shrieked. Sam reached her and pulled the body away. He picked her up. She hastily brushed herself off.

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