Heat Sadness

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Not long after the golem joined their crew once again, the trees opened up to hot air. The grass swirled and changed into sand. They were entering a desert biome, and it was already hot. Amid the airy sands of the desert, Steve and Sam were already growing tired. It had just become noon, and they were exhausted. They were not used to the excessively dry heat. The golem saw Steve's struggle and lifted him onto his broad shoulders. Sam insisted he ride his pig instead. The pig didn't really mind. The saddle made it more bearable.

The more they traveled in the desert, the more Sam was getting a weird feeling.

Why is this familiar? He thought.

The long trek was growing tiresome, even for the two that had taken a break from walking. It wasn't just because of the heat. For a moment, Sam realized they had no idea what they were doing.

"Steve, what are we going to do? We can't run from these zombie freaks forever."

"We're not running, remember that," Steve said. "We're just looking for the closest village. Many villages lie in the North. We don't want those nightmares to turn on the villagers just because they were unprepared. We can't let what happened to us happen to someone else."

"You're right," Sam said with a small laugh. "You'll make one heck of a role model some day, you know?"

"Well, what else can we do? My home is probably already in pieces by now. Better than running is to find somewhere to hold up and fight. You can forget it if you think I'm gonna hide in a cave like some little kid again."

Sam felt the heat from the short temper Steve was getting. He couldn't blame him. The heat was getting to both of them.

"Okay. Well, we better hope we can help those villagers, then."

"That's right."

That wasn't Steve or Sam's voice. In sudden shock, the golem stopped abruptly, throwing Steve off his shoulder and hitting the sand. The pig squealed and reared up like a horse, throwing Sam off at the same time. Both Steve and Sam were dazed for a few moments. They regained their surroundings and saw it was Frank that had spoke. He had teleported from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Don't do that!" Steve shouted. He brushed the sand off of his shirt.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sam asked, still sitting in the sand. "That's almost as bad as having a creeper on your back."

Frank had a guilty look and turned away.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to say thank you."

"Thank you?"

"Yeah. I... it's hard to talk to people. Just... thank you for listening to me. You're going to make it. Keep going and tell everyone about--"

"That's what we're doing, man," Steve said in annoyance. "We'll do our best, okay?"

The golem only raised an eyebrow.

"Remember. I'll be watching," Frank said.

He teleported away.

"I don't like him," Steve said.

"Relax, will you? Let's move."

Sam got back on his pig. The golem lifted Steve up onto its shoulder. They started walking again.

Traveling through the desert wasn't a cakewalk. It took them almost two full days to cross. They were lucky to come across a small pool of water to fill their bottles up again. The pig splashed around in the mud, making the saddle too dirty for Sam to sit on. He was stuck walking again.

Minecraft: The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The Invasion TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now