Saved by the Bell

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Steve felt something shaking him. He woke up covered in sweat.

"Steve, get up," Sam said. "It's almost time for Bernard's speech."

Steve groaned and opened his eyes. He suddenly shot up and scrambled to put his armor on.

"Whoa, you don't have to be that fast, you know."

"No, you don't understand," Steve said.

He slipped his swords behind his back.

"Understand what?"

He grabbed Sam's arms a little too tightly.

"They're coming."

"The mobs?"

"Yes! They'll be here soon!"

Sam looked at him, his arms, then back at him. Steve let go and grabbed some torches and his pickaxe. He bolted out the door. Sam followed quickly behind.

"Oh, Notch," Sam swore. "This isn't good. We were supposed to have another day!"

They ran until they found Bernard. He was about to climb the podium.

"Bernard, wait!"

"Look who's finally awake. It's nearly noon."

"Huh? That can't be right. I've been up since midnight! Never mind. They're coming! The Invasion is almost here!"

"What do you...?"

He stopped. He could see the color in Steve's eyes. He could almost feel the death and despair in them. What stuck out the most was the void of darkness.

"I understand," he said.

He silenced the crowd.

"Everyone, please be quiet! We may not have much time."

Everyone was silent.

"The Invasion is almost upon us. We have prepared for war, and war has finally found us. Those of you with children! Say your goodbyes and send them to the tunnel immediately. Anyone who isn't a soldier or archer be prepared to evacuate. The rest of you go to your battle stations! Go! Go!"

People moved in a panic. Parents carried their children away from the crowd to speak to them for what could be the last time. There was lots of crying from both the adults and the children. Bernard and Marie were among them. More crying ensued when they separated. Some of the villagers rode on horses packed with food and water and guided the children to safety.

Bernard put on his iron helmet and walked to the north wall. Wooden staircases were put all around the inside of the walls leading to the upper level. The stairs creaked under his feet, but he found them to be stable. He held onto the fences lining the staircase to help pull himself up faster. He reached the top and looked out at the cleared north wall. Some of the west was also cleaned away as that was the direction the mobs were coming from. Paths were made between trees like the defenses at Steve's valley to channel them to the north. The moat, almost wide enough to be a river, sat calmly below.

Steve and Sam put the newly-made soldiers in their positions on the ramparts. Every soldier had a sword and a bow at hand. They all looked over the wall, watching and waiting for a mob to appear at any given moment. Sam and Forester, just a day earlier, had planted trees across the land to separate the monster invaders from one another before they could reach the moat. Like before, the spiders would have to climb over, which would make them easy targets. Moats would slow them down, hopefully enough, to be shot before they could reach the wall. Creepers were the biggest concern. This was their best defense against them.

Minecraft: The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The Invasion TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now