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This is going better than I expected, Sam thought. We're getting a lot done today.

They finished their lunch break and started cleaning out the leaves and trees on the west side.

"Nice job," Steve approached. "Those shear jokes you're putting into practice?"

"Shut up," Sam laughed. "Where's your group?"

"Taking a well-deserved break."

"How's it going over there?"

"We already finished the tunnel," Steve said proudly. "You won't believe what we found on the other side."


"A jungle temple?"


Steve nodded.

"Wow. Was it looted?"

"No. One of the villagers ran inside. I managed to stop him and avoid the trap in time. When we checked the chest, there were two diamonds inside."

Steve showed him the diamonds.

"That's awesome!" He said. "Way to go, man!"

"Thanks. I guess we got lucky today."

"You bet. We haven't had any problems today, and lots of work has been done."

"I'm turning these into a diamond sword."

"Now you'll have an awesome weapon, too! This is great. Nothing could make this day turn sour."


In the mines, Bernard heard the hiss first.

"Miner, behind you!"

He saw the green creature standing behind him. Miner turned around and saw the creature start to grow. Without any time to grab a weapon, he smacked it with his pickaxe, but it didn't help. It exploded, throwing Miner against the opposite wall. He hit the ground with a thud, unconscious. Everyone stopped mining and looked in their direction. Creepers crept out of the darkness and flooded toward them. Bernard drew his bow.

"Stay back!" He shouted.

He notched arrow after arrow into the heads of creepers. His precision made deadly, one-hit kills every time an arrow pierced the head. When he thought there were no more, he ran to Miner. He was still knocked out. Burns covered his body, his clothes singed. Bernard lightly smacked his face. He checked his health. His hearts were shaking erratically. He was near death. He put his arm around Miner's shoulder and started walking them toward the exit.

"Move! He's badly injured!"

Everyone moved out of their way. One of them pointed.

"Bernard, look out!"

He turned and saw a creeper walk up to them. When it has nearly reached them, a pickaxe landed in the creeper's stomach. It slowed down but kept moving. Then, another went into its side. Then a foot. Neck. Another foot. Stomach. It slowed to a crawl and ignited. Before it could explode, a miner jumped and stuck a pickaxe in its head. It fell to the floor. He took the pickaxe and pulled it back out. He put it back on his belt.

"Are you alright?" The miner asked.

"I think so. I may have soiled my pants a little, but I'm alive. Thank you so much."

"We should go to the surface," he said.

"Yes. We need to regroup and reconsider our options. Those creepers came out of nowhere with no warning. It might happen again."

Minecraft: The Marvelous Adventures of Steve: The Invasion TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now