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Did you forget about the plans we made?
Because I'll be sitting here
and try not to stare
at an inconsequential hole in the bare wall.
The sun is barely to see outside,
I held the doors, as life passed me by,
Pouring water on the seed to my soul.
Conquering the world within me,
and I'll meet you at the stars.
Go on.
I'll fix the rest of the way you broke.
Hoped that I don't wake up today, wanted not to,
But I'm still here.
I know you moved on, I can't forget the things you said,
Starving me with loneliness,
Now looking at the ceiling,
All the small things never come back.
Countless times I've tried to free myself, never worked, that's not bad,
Tonight I'll try again.
May you never know what I offered to get close to you.
I know, I know,
The luck kiss only the brave.
You were so sweet, it hurts.

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