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She was a vaguely threatening, overworldly pretty, eyesight thief,
But she stole more than she needed from me.
Lost something in the hills,
Somewhere, between the brush and trees,
when I passed between leg high grasslands unseen.
Stumping mad and deprived,
shed tears, lost in a haze of longing, yearning to be free.
If she wants,
Take my breath away, pull me down the declivities, and I already lose my faith.
Sometimes, the devil and I have those days,
When he tries to pull me from my slopes away;
He whispers of tempting leaps and wild charms,
But I refuse to surrender to his deceptive rhymes.
A farewell kiss, I seek from her lips,
But in the whispers of the wind, a truth I can't ignore,
Her name echoes, a reminder of what I lost.
Aching for closure, but she is cruel and cold to the core,
Her actions left me shattered, misunderstood.
The hills conceal the secrets I long to unveil,
Yet I can't fathom the depth of her betrayal.
I can't even believe what she did to me,
I don't want to hear her side.
Look at me,
I can see it in her eyes,
She can't hide from the truth because the truth is reaching with unyielding force for me.

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