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Say it over again,
It's too cold, my friend,
The leaves falling,
The wind is emptying the trees.
All goes grey again,
The colors faded away, just a delusional romanticized memory in the back of the heads.
In a no name city,
very far from pretty
I find myself lost in thoughts, regretting what I have done.
Wonder if it would've been better,
If we never found one another,
Instead of enduring my heart's unyielding conundrum.
Don't be silent,
say something,
my darling.
If only I could turn back the time,
Undo the damage, redeem the violent crimes,
But alas, I'm left with regrets that never rest,
Torturing my soul with thoughts that never wince.
My damaged soul that weep,
Striving to mend the faults so deep,
Yet fearing I will never be enough, never whole.
I battle for redemption, but in vain,
Feeling my efforts all in chain,
Lost in a sea of sorrows that seem to endlessly roll.
Say it over again,
It's too cold, my friend,
The leaves falling,
The wind is emptying the trees.
All goes grey again,
The colors faded away, just a delusional romanticized memory in the back of the heads.
In a no name city,
very far from pretty
I find myself lost in thoughts.

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