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No, it doesn't fear me,
I've been here before,
It's an obscure place to grow up,
My darling,
But nowhere else could you get these nightmares.
In the bay at the shrine of your whispers that linger in the air, like ghosts of tomorrows.
The darkness engulfs me, yet my heart holds no dread,
Through the curtains of fear,
dared to explore,
Unveiling the secrets this place holds,
A bond that blossoms within this obscurity.
But your love fills the breath of life, connected like a ribbon,
braided of silk and the Nimboi spellbound around your forehead, Sphendone holds your brown hair,
as curly as an angel singing.
Under influence,
we had divine sense,
Heeding eager what meant so much.
Heard voices that call for hands of above and lean on sharp razor words,
They called the hand of the devil adorned with wolves teeth.
The flesh was ripped apart and an audience applaud endlessly.
Tell me why I couldn't see no face,
When I only caught brief glimpses,
So did you knew it from the start?

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