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Gave up the chase, because you're better pushing me away,
No energy for a deep breath,
You are stuck in my throat
And I swallowed you back down,
though you turn from me,
To glance behind.
In this process of elimination,
I am the mask you wear,
My power over you
Grows stronger yet,
It simply sustains, we are a
strange duet.
Come home to yourself.
Took a walk with my thoughts and walked hand in hand,
Showed me things I yet can't understand,
In dreams I called you
Petite fille de la lune,
And I viewed you like a midnight fog greyish blue.
Do you really think it was that easy to decide to let go of you?
Believe it gets better,
in my hands you will only be crushed,
Can't hold you close enough.
I hurt you to hate me,
Please don't make me say it.
Walking around with my fingers crossed,
Saying good things, but
Might tell another lie,
Bite my tongue off before I say some bad words that hurt the most.
When I said I drown myself in you, then it's the truth,
Because I thought it's impossible,
And now I'm climbing up the walls with eye's, nothing changed, they are still white.

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