Chapter 5

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Over the next few days, everything was back to normal. Tyler visited everyone for so long that the girls went back to classes save the fact that therapy will be starting up again. This year Jericho has a new therapist. I hate having to go to the therapist and talk about problems. One reason why I always try to escape is that always end up in trouble. And for me, that's my plan for today. As I woke up and got ready as it was on my mind. Therapy. I hated therapy with passion but I was forced to go Mr. D says it will be better if tying excited to see the same person. I got up and dressed in my all-black uniform. I had therapy right after archery. I walk my way down to the conservatory just to look around. As I'm walking I heard a cry, it sounded like a cry for help. I slowly start to speed up to locate the sound of the cry, but all I saw was a little tree sitting down and crying. His bark was a light brown with little leaves sticking out everywhere I'd say he was about a foot tall. I walked over to the cage and look at the creature more closely. It must've sensed me and it quickly whipped around and started to back up.

"Hey, little guy it's ok. I won't hurt you" I said to the tree and all I got back in return was "I am Groot" but suddenly a voice appeared in my head and said 'Stay away human'

"I am not a human Groot. Well I'm a human with powers"

"I am Groot " and again the voice popped in saying 'And I'm a talking tree'

"I can help you escape if you promise to help me with one tiny little thing ok?" I said as he shook his head yes. 

I grabbed the keys to the cage and unlocked them. I held out my hand so he could crawl on top and rest on my shoulder gripping my pigtail. SLAM we heard a door shut. I immediately started to run out the back exit as I heard.

"It's gone! What are we going to Do T?" A female voice said. "I'm not sure D we just have to catch the little sucker again," another female voice said. The first female voice sounded younger than female #2.

As we left the conservatory I started explaining my plan to Groot and how he helps escape therapy.


I got in the car with principal, Weems, and Wednesday is in the backseat. When we arrive, it was my turn first. I walked in and it was all blonde lady who is right there waiting for me.

"Hi, I am Dr. Kinbott it's a pleasure to meet you. You must be Friday.

She said, with a smile so big explode.

"Let's get this over with show me the room. I said not wanting to be there and that her energy was just tiring me out.

"Already miss let's get to it, it's this way." She said leading the way to her office.

Turns out it's just the second office. She said in her chair as I awkwardly stood there, not wanting to sit down on and cream-colored chair.

"So Friday Jane-Doe Addams How are you doing on this lovely rainy morning?"

"Rain makes me happy," I said with emotion, this face staring out the window, hoping it would go by soon, praying it would go by soon.

"So rain makes you happy? Why does rain make you happy?" She asked trying to get to know me more.

"It makes other people feel sad and depressed. That's what I like about it."

"Friday you know you can sit down right"

"Yes I do I just don't want to," I said, continuing to stare out the window.

"Friday sit down now," she said, raising her voice a little and pointing at the chair.

Friday Addams (Tyler X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu