Author's Note

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Writing a cheesy romcom may seem completely out of character for a dark romance writer, but for one month every year, I temporarily purge the darkness of my mind and become a Christmas fanatic.

For the entire month of December, I watch almost nothing besides sappy, romantic holiday movies. It's an important yearly ritual that helps cleanse my soul.

But this year, I thought...why not actually write a holiday romcom? Specifically an enemies-to-lovers Sapphic Christmas romcom?

So I did. And here it is. I'm feeling very apprehensive about posting it because it is so different from what I normally write, but writing a Hallmark movie has always been a dream of mine, and this is probably as close as I'm going to get!

I'm also not very open about my sexuality. I'm married to a wonderful man, which means people usually assume that I'm straight. So I think this book has also been a way to celebrate the parts of me that I feel are more hidden in my day-to-day life.

All this to say, I've really enjoyed writing this, and hope you like it! And with that, I'm gonna go hide nervously in a corner for the next month.

❄️ Happy Holidays! ❄️

❄️ Happy Holidays! ❄️

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