Follow Me in Merry Measure

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"Welcome to the 19th annual Scott Family Gingerbread Baking Competition," Darius announced.

The Scott family, Holly, and Mistletoe had gathered around the table in the dining room. The elf looked as though she was about to start bouncing off the walls like a pinball. Alvita was clearly amused by her, but Ivy seemed more annoyed than she had been with Holly. 

"Competitors will have four hours to make a gingerbread creation. We don't have many rules here, except that everything besides the base has to be edible," he said, gesturing to foam boards on the table.

"Because we have three teams this year, but only two kitchens in the house, one of the teams will be working in Ivy's place. I have personally inspected all the kitchens, and they are all equipped with the same items. Travel time is not included in the four hours. We will all be on a video call before we begin to make sure no one is starting early, and we will hop back on the video call to make sure everyone finishes at the same time."

Mistletoe grabbed Holly's hand tightly, causing Holly to turn and look at her. The elf had a manic grin on her face, and Holly could tell she was screaming internally in excitement. Mistletoe may not have gotten the elven skill of baking or decorating, but she still loved doing it.

Holly, on the other hand, was dreading spending four hours with a fiancé she didn't love, trying to fake chemistry she didn't have.

"As the MVP of last year, Ivy gets first pick of her teammate," Darius continued.

"I pick Holly," the woman answered immediately.

"What?" Adam, Mistletoe, and Holly replied in unison, with varying levels of confusion.

Ivy shrugged.

"I know we may have gotten off to a rocky start, but we're going to be family soon," she explained. "I think we need to learn how to get along and work together."

"Wow, Ivy, that' mature of you," Darius told his daughter. "Great. Well, as the non-MVP of the winning team, I get to pick next. Alva and I have always worked with one of you kids, but now that you're grown...I would love to have a chance to work with my incredible wife."

Alvita smiled and joined Darius.

"Which I guess leaves us," Adam said to Mistletoe. The elf grinned and gave him a high five.

"Alright, we have the teams," Darius announced cheerfully. "This should be an interesting year. I can't wait to see what everyone makes. Teams can start brainstorming immediately, but no hands on any of the supplies until Holly and Ivy make it to Ivy's place. Ivy, facetime us when you get there."

Ivy nodded, then abruptly walked out of the room. It took Holly a moment to realize she was supposed to follow her. She jogged to catch up.

The doors of what Holly presumed was Ivy's car clicked. "Get in," Ivy told her.

"How far away do you live?" Holly asked as she slid into the passenger seat.

"Typically 18 minutes at this time of day on a Saturday."

Holly's eyebrows raised. "So you visit your parents often?"

"Yes," Ivy replied, starting the car and driving off.

The two sat silently for a moment, until Holly realized the drive would be the perfect opportunity to plan their gingerbread creation.

"So," she began. "Did you have any ideas for the gingerbread competition? Because I was thinking-"

"Stop," Ivy commanded.

"What?" Holly asked, confused.

"Let's get something clear," Ivy said, not taking her eyes off the road. "I didn't take you because I want you on my team. I took you so Adam couldn't have you."

The Holly and the IvyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα