Up on the Housetop

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As soon as Adam agreed to be Santa, the liquor started flowing.

Holly had never seen her parents drink much. In fact, she had never seen them drink at all, now that she actually thought about it. But here they were, chugging down glass after glass of champagne.

It was cathartic for them, she realized. They were finally free of the worry she had been causing them for so many years, and all the tension was being released in the form of a celebratory alcohol binge.

Though she didn't envy the hangover they would undoubtedly have in the morning, it was fun to see her parents let loose, completely uninhibited. It also made her feel insanely guilty for the stress they had been carrying around because of her, the extent of which she was only now realizing.

Which just made it even harder that with each passing moment, she was regretting her choice to marry Adam more and more.

Adam wasn't cut out to be Santa. He had the enthusiasm and the kindness, but he wasn't sharp or decisive enough. Marrying him would set the North Pole up for disaster. She had to figure out a way to call it off.

On the other hand, her parents seemed so happy...happier than she had seen them in years. She couldn't take that away from them.

But she at least had time. She would figure out a way to solve this, so when she broke up with Adam, there would already be a back-up in place. Then her parents wouldn't have to worry. And she still had months to figure out what that backup plan would be.

"What if they got married on Christmas?"


Holly's head shot up at Alvita's slightly intoxicated suggestion. She and Holly's mom had been talking excitedly in the kitchen about wedding planning for the past hour.

"Haha, good one," Holly laughed awkwardly, trying to derail the suggestion before it could go any further.

But it was too late.

Noelle's eyes lit up brighter than the star on the Scotts' Christmas tree.

"That would be so wonderful!" she exclaimed happily. "It would be such an amazing way to start off Adam and Holly's marriage. And with all the snow and the excitement and the decorations...what better time would there be?"

She turned to Holly excitedly. "What do you think, honey?"

Think of an excuse. Any excuse. Delay.

"Oh, mom, you can't throw together a whole wedding in a couple weeks," Holly said nervously. "Give yourself more time."

"Nonsense," Noelle replied. "I was already planning a big engagement party; it'll only take a little tweaking to make it a wedding instead."

"But...my dress."

"If you don't think I can figure out how to get your dress here by Christmas, you're underestimating me," Alvita said, jumping into the conversation. "I might not have Santa blood in me, but I know how to perform a miracle or two."

"But...dad will be so tired after Christmas Eve," Holly protested.

"I may be getting older, Holly, but I'm not decrepit," Kris chimed in from across the room. Now, all the side conversations had stopped, with everyone staring at Holly.

"Don't you think that's kind of soon, hun?" Holly asked, trying to turn the attention to Adam. "I mean, we don't want to rush this, do we? If we want a Christmas wedding, there's always next Christmas."

But Adam was completely oblivious to Holly's hesitation.

"What do you mean, babe? The sooner the better! I'd marry you tomorrow if I could."

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