'Zat You, Santa Claus?

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Holly smiled when her father arrived. She smiled when he told her how excited he was to finally meet Adam. And she smiled during the cab ride over to Adam's parents' place.

But like a piece of too tight clothing, the smile didn't fit her. Because smiling was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment. Changing her name, dying her hair, and running away to another country sounded far more appealing. Or falling off something, hitting her head, and winding up with amnesia.

Honestly, anything that would allow her a way out of the giant mess she had created.

After what seemed like simultaneously forever and the blink of an eye, Holly, her parents, and Mistletoe arrived at the Scott residence. As the group walked towards the front door, Holly quickly pulled Mistletoe aside.

"Remember-" Holly began.

"Stick with your mother, and you'll stick with your father. I know, I know," Mistletoe replied.

Holly nodded. It was a temporary strategy, but it bought them at least some more time to figure out how to handle everything.

Alvita greeted them warmly by the door. "Mr. and Mrs. Kringlem-"

"Oh, we're all going to be family soon," Holly interjected nervously. "I'm sure we can all use first names, right mom and dad?"

"Of course," Noelle replied warmly. "Alvita, this is my husband, Kris."

"Noelle, Kris, please come in out of the cold," Alvita insisted cheerfully.

Holly's father chuckled. "This temperature is actually pretty pleasant, compared to our normal climate."

"Oh right, I'm sure it gets quite cold up in Can-"

"Can you believe how nice their house is?" Holly asked her parents, interrupting Alvita.

"It truly is a beautiful place, Alvita," Holly's mother agreed. "I wasn't expecting somewhere so spacious. And decorative!"

"Oh, we love Christmas," Alvita told them as she helped them with their coats. "Probably not as much as you all, though!"

The comment caught Holly slightly off-guard, until she realized Alvita was talking about her family's distribution business, which would presumably be extremely busy around Christmastime.

Fortunately, Holly's parents just laughed. "I suppose it doesn't get more Christmas-y than us," Holly's dad joked.

At that point, Darius burst into the room, sparing them any further conversation about the "Kringleman's" festive spirit.

"Noelle, Kris, this is my husband, Darius," Alvita said, introducing the group.

Holly's parents shook hands with Darius, while Holly's heart started racing even faster.

This was going to be a disaster.

"And our kids!" Darius said happily as Ivy and Adam entered the hallway. "Ivy, and of course, our son, Adam."

Holly's mother immediately gave Adam one of her famous hugs. "It's wonderful to finally meet you, Adam."

Holly's father seemed slightly more apprehensive, surveying Adam carefully before extending his hand for a formal shake.

"Well, we're nearly wrapping things up in the kitchen," Alvita told the group, as she put back on her some oven mitts to take out a pan of something delicious smelling. "But in the meantime, Adam, why don't you show Kris and Noelle around?"

"I would love to," Adam said, beaming.

"I'll come with," Holly and Mistletoe blurted out at the same time.

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