Who Took the Merry Out of Christmas?

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"What in the world is wrong with that Scrooge?" Mistletoe asked as she and Holly walked upstairs to their apartment. "I don't understand how Adam can be so nice and she's so...not."

Holly hummed in agreement, not really wanting to say anymore. She had enough on her mind with her date with Adam the next day. Mainly how she would get out of it.

"Talk about resting Grinch face," Mistletoe continued once they entered the apartment as she flopped down on the couch.

"She's not all bad," Holly said before she had even realized she said it.

Mistletoe raised her eyebrows. "Okay, so...one percent good? Five? I feel like ten is definitely too much."

"You're probably right," Holly agreed, grabbing her pajamas to get ready for bed.

"Adam is soooo dreamy though," Mistletoe said wistfully. "And so nice. He'll be a great Santa."

Holly nodded before rushing into the bathroom to change, wash her face, and brush her teeth. The truth was, after the night they had just had, she was beginning to wonder if Adam really was the best choice for Santa. He was definitely jolly enough, and he'd be great with kids. But one of the reasons Holly would be a terrible Santa was her inability to make decisions about which Christmas wishes to grant. That was the hardest, but also most important part of Santa's job, and it required someone smart and quick.

Adam wasn't that smart. And he definitely wasn't that quick.

But Adam would have the Santa magic to help him out, Holly reassured herself. And he would have her. Besides, at this point, beggars couldn't be choosers.

Holly rinsed her face with icy cold water one last time, then retreated under her covers. When Mistletoe emerged from her turn in the bathroom, she pretended to have already fallen asleep.

Eventually, Mistletoe fell asleep above her. She could tell by the elf's adorable, high-pitched snore. But Holly remained awake. She tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, until she finally gave up and pulled up some cheesy holiday romcom on her phone, turning the volume all the way down so Mistletoe couldn't hear.

She spent the rest of the night wondering why her life couldn't be as simple as a cheesy holiday movie.


The car ride to Adam's Grandma's care facility the following afternoon was an awkward one. Adam, Holly, and Ivy had all agreed to carpool, which Holly was now regretting. She and Adam were sitting in the front, while Ivy sat behind them glaring at the back of their heads. And while Adam, as usual, was completely oblivious to it, Holly was not.

Finally, they arrived at the Silver Mountain Assisted Living Facility. It was a cute building: brick with tons of windows. Outside were some cheerful, lit-up snowman.

"You're gonna love Grams," Adam said reassuringly, squeezing Holly's hand.

Holly nodded, though she wasn't sure she believed him. It was one thing to want your grandchildren to find love. It was another to dangle an inheritance above them as a way to force them into marriage.

She turned to see they normally-unshakeable Ivy looking similarly apprehensive.

The trio was greeted immediately upon entering the facility. As soon as they had signed in, Adam led them upstairs and back to room 212. Adam gave two knocks, right below the festive wreath placed on the door.

The door swung open violently.

"Is that my handsome grandson?" the woman inside the room asked, giving Adam a big hug.

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