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Immediately after the girls left I drink a potion that wipes my memory clean of the last few minutes of our conversation. Arnold enters our home through the garage door and comes into the kitchen.

"Any news?" He asks as he takes off his hat.

"No news that I'm aware of what's going on?" I ask while beginning to prepare our food.

"I was at the supernatural supermarket going to a few items for you and I overheard a vampire telling a witch that our granddaughters have ran away from their fathers. I didn't even know that Kiyah has returned. Some of them are worried that they are running away from the prophecy and that all will be lost." He studies me and I try to keep my face emotionless as possible.

"That is news to me. Do they know why the girls left?" I say in response.

"No they didn't say." He says as he hands me the parcel from his hand and he steps into my personal space.

"I just missed them didn't I?" He says.

"Missed who?" I ask while focusing on chopping up the vegetables. The knife levitates out of my hands and chops up the remains vegetables on the cutting board then drops into the sink. I move over to the meat and the seasonings sprinkles itself onto the meat. The stove then lights the aisles and the pans set themselves over the fire. One by one each item is on the stove cooking. I wash my hands and dry them on my apron.

" know I cook to get my mind off of things. Ever since they left...I...just let me have this." I say while throwing my apron at him.

"Blanche I promise I am not trying to hurt you. I miss the girls too. You gave me a chance to raise them with you even though I didn't have a that chance with Kiarah. I want to keep them safe too and I want to see them." He confesses.

"I wish I knew where they were, but I don't." I truthfully answer.

Arnold nods and doesn't bother to hide his disappointment on his face.

"Very well there is nothing to be done in that type of situation." He says while looking at my head.

"If you want to check to see if I'm lying go ahead! Check it! Recall my memories!" I yell while tilting my head towards him in a taunting manner.

Sweat droplets begin to form on his forehead and he wiggles his fingers.

"I have what you're looking for! Come on fact check me!" I say urging him.

He throws his hands up in defeat.

"You win BLANCHE! I TRUST YOU!" He yells in frustration. The timer rings and I start tending to the food. Once I serve our plates we eat together in the dining room. The sounds that bounce off the walls are the clinking of our silverware clashing against our plates. I rub my temples and imagine myself cutting the tension in the room with a machete.

"Yes." I finally say.

"Yes what?" Arnold says as he wipes his mouth with a cloth napkin from his lap.

"The girls came by." I admit while shoving another bite of food into my mouth.

He takes a sip from his glass before clearing his throat.

"Ahem. Why must you be so..." he starts to say before I cut him off mid sentence.

"Infuriating, difficult, hard to manage..." I try to throw the insults before he can get a chance.

"I was going to say cantankerous, but I still love you." He says.

Even as a grown black woman reassurance is always amazing to hear. I let out a sigh and look him dead in his eyes.

"Blanche." He says in a warning tone.

"I love you and there's nothing you can do about it." I finally say and a loud booming knock echos off of the walls.

"Are you expecting someone my dear?" Arnold says as I shake my head no.

I pull my robe tighter to my body and ask who is it? In response to my question the door is knocked on harder and the squeaking emitting from the door says it wants to give out.

Arnold wipes his hand in the air in front of the door and we see it's Zayne. Jaime can't be too far behind him. At the same time the door breaks one of our windows shatter.

"Where the hell is my daughter?!" Zayne booms. His eyes are in a feral state and unable to stay focused.

"I don't know." I answer without showing a morsel of fear.

He growls and his alpha energy is going through the roof. Jaime comes toe to toe with Arnold staring into his eyes. Arnold closes his eyes and takes a step back.

"Surely they must have stop by." Jaime says in an icy tone.

"Their scent is strong here." Zayne says without taking his eyes off of us.

"Yes it is. They grew up here remember and that is expected. Come on you two. Have a seat." I say while smiling at both of them. Zayne is on the edge of shifting into his wolf form. Jaime sits down and crosses his leg over the other one. Zayne stands defiantly and glowers in my direction.

"If I'd had know your were coming over I would have set the table for two more. Arnold can you help me in the kitchen?" I say before walking into the kitchen with Arnold following closely behind.

I light the candle that blocks sound before I begin to speak.

"They have to be under a spell or something." I say while looking to Arnold.

"What do you suggest we do?" He ask while glancing in the direction we came from.

"I can't burn this candle forever, but we'll have to detox whatever is in their system. Do you think you can restrain them?" I ask while rummaging through my pantry.

"I might be able to but not for long." He replies.

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