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"So do we need to find you a book on dark magic?"

"I don't think it's that simple...we might have to pry it from someone's hands or it might be hidden somewhere in Salem."

"Okay but let's look around here for something useful."

We split up and I check the living room while Kiyah goes to another room. I run my hand across the table in the middle of the room and it starts glowing with a strange purple light.

"Ki you gotta come see this."

Kiyah comes in distracted and touches the table too. The table levitates and spins while the lights flicker. We step back and look at the table in amazement. Kiyah touches the latern and it starts floating as well. We run around the cabin touching all the furniture and it all floats. Once I touch a pillow all of the furniture stops spinning and a staircase appears. Kiyah casts a illuminating spell and a ball of light floats out in front of her. I follow behind her and she starts reading the words on the wall.

"What does it say?"

"It's saying that only those of true witch blood are able to access the entry to here. However that doesn't mean that we will survive to see the end of this chamber."

"We didn't come this far just to fail the whole supernatural world is depending on our success."

Silence enshrouds among us as we walk along the chambers. I check my phone and of course there's no service. I run my hand along the wall and I'm blocked from Kiyah. I quickly do an illuminating spell.


"Jade I think we should keep moving. I'm sensing powerful ancient magic coming from the door."

"Hopefully we come out at the same spot."

"If we don't I can either track you or use a teleportation spell."

"Then it's set and no matter what happens we have to get to the end of the corridor."

The corridor begins to morph and shift until I'm standing in the middle of someone's kitchen? My stomach rumbles in confusion and a savory aroma beckons me forward. I stop myself and wonder if this is a trap. I pinch myself and the pain response assured me that this isn't a dream. This means I can definitely die.

'Any thoughts, questions, or concerns before I peep around?'

'I would say be cautious but you're already standing in the middle of a kitchen.'

I moisten my lips and cautiously lift up a lid off a pot. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up at attention. A hand gently rubs my arm and I flinch from the contact.

"Ah how rude of me. I apologize deeply for not having the food prepared fast enough for you my love."

"My love?"

"Yes Kiyah now go ahead and have a seat while I prepare your dinner."

He pulls out my seat and pushes it in. I study his features. He's tall, lean with a sculpted back. His eyes have are a glimmering brown color and his cheek bones could cut diamonds.

He brings the food the table and I cautiously take a bite. I don't taste any poison or at least I don't detect anything. He watches me eat between the bites he takes and he pats his mouth with his napkin. I take a drink from my wine glass. My arms feel like jello and I lose my coordination. Kaleah is just a faint buzz in the back of my head.

"You must be tired love. I'll carry you to bed."

So a dark room and this is suppose to be scary to me? Do they not know I'm the daughter of the king of the vampires? I roll my eyes and keep walking forward. The darkness shifts into the middle of a forest. Birds fly above my head and rabbits run around my feet.

"There she is!"

"There who is?"

"You!!!! You're the one who's been slaughtering our cattle."

"Me?! I can't necessarily say I don't eat meat but..."

"Get the vampire and burn her at the stake!"

The mob members step closer towards me with their pitchforks, shovels, hoes, and other weapons.

"Now the huntress will know what it's like to be the hunted."

I take off running and of course I out run them. Deep down in my guts I know that they are not going to give up on me easily. When I can no longer hear them or see them I lay down to rest. As many miles as I ran it might take them three days to catch up. I try to cast a spell only to be knocked flat onto my derrière.

"Now you only have one side of power you may use. You will be hunted because of your father's lineage Jade."

I glare up at the sky and night falls. I fall asleep and get awaken with the morning light. When I sit up I'm surrounded by the mob. I break the circle and keep running.

"How am I suppose to get out of this loop cycle?"

I turn into a bat and take a good look around. Wait those mob members look like they're from an old age at least the 1800s. My father did tell me about his father a few times and how he was greatly feared by many people. I use my senses and try to recall a memory. I fly right into something sturdy and before I can fall onto my back, I feel my body being held up by my wing.

"Aren't you out of place? Bats are suppose to fly at night to feast. I'll take you home."

He brings me into his dark home and place me onto the table.

"Transform into your human form and tell me why you were flying in broad daylight."

I hesitantly move to the edge of the table and his red eyes glower down at me.

Treachery From A SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now