Chapter 2

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Third person POV

Tommy didn't stop running until he got to Phil's house. Throwing the door open, he ran to the one of the rooms and started searching on the floor. He soon found a button and pressed it, revealing a secret room which was his hidden library.

Pausing for a moment, he smiled and sighed, the smell of old books surrounding him as he climbed down the ladder. He used to spend so much time here. Looking around, he blinked as he saw a glowing book. Yep, that definitely wasn't here the last time he was.

Walking over to it, he looked at what section it was. 'Myths/mythology' is what he read on the little plaque. It had stopped glowing as soon as he looked away and he carefully picked it up. It wasn't enchanted, so that didn't explain it.

"Creepypasta?" He turned the front cover and looked at the note on the first page.

"Rituals to summon the dead and dangerous killers. A way to enter their world. WARNING : If by chance these rituals work, we take no responsibility if you are severely injured or killed in the process. Proceed with caution" Tommy read to himself quietly.

He smiled. It really wouldn't be that different if they were like Dream. Making up his mind, he shut the book and looked around one last time. He would definitely miss this place the most. He couldn't leave without some type of goodbye though. Even if he was heartbroken by Phil's decision, he understood it.

Tommy was angry, and for a good reason, but Phil and Techno had taken care of him when he was about to die. He sighed and spotted a piece of blank paper and a pen. Writing down something, he folded it and took off Techno's cape, gently laying it down on the table and placing the note on top of it.

One last time, and then he would be gone forever. He felt bad for leaving ghostbur. He was the only one who seemed to care at times. Hopefully they give up looking and break it to him softly, telling him that I just disappeared off the grid.

That's what Tommy hoped. Climbing back up the ladder, he closed the opening using the same button and stood up. He rummaged through some of Phil's things, grabbing whatever he would need. Looking at the 'your Tubbo ' compass, he smiled before placing it in one of Phil's chests.

Looking around, he saw a crow and it tilted its head at him. "Hey buddy. You won't tell Phil, right?" The crow seemed to nod and Tommy smiled. "Thank you Bud. You're amazing"

The crow cawed and took off and Tommy left Phil's house. Tommy started off towards the woods before his communicator went off. He ignored the buzzing, continuing to walk into the woods.

He walked for what felt like hours, and his exhaustion was starting to get to him, but he was relentless. Looking around, he noticed he was in a clearing. This would be perfect.

Setting his bag down, he crouched and took out the book, search for the spell that would supposedly allow him to enter their "world". Soon finding it towards to back of the book he smiled.

Tommy's POV

It was finally time for me to leave. I felt empowered for once. This was my choice. There's no Dream to stop me, there's no Dream to torture me, There's no Dream at all. After this, I'll be free, whether that's by death or another world. Either way, I fucking win. I'm a runaway winner.

I grin as I hold the book in my hands and recite what was on the page.

"I know the danger, I know their ways, yet that does not stop me. I want to be free, away from any grasp." Crouching down, I draw a circle with an x through the middle. "With this symbol, I call for any, and they do as they please." I stood up and opened my arms, reading the last line. "No one can save me"

I close my eyes, my arms still open. I felt vulnerable, but I needed this to work. My mind stayed empty and I stayed calm. I was about to open my eyes but-

??? POV

"Hes out cold." I said. I looked at the girl next to me and I could tell she was frowning under her mask. "We didn't have to knock him out, did we? He looks like a kid.." It was clear she atleast somewhat concerned for the knocked out kid.

"We did. Infact, we have to kill him. He knew what he signed up for when he picked that book up." I said, rummaging through his bag. It was filled with some stuff I've never even seen before and a couple of things I was slightly familiar with.

"Ugh, c'mon Liu, look at him.." I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Okay, I am. I don't see any-" I stopped, staring at his bandaged hands. I know it could have just been that he got in a lot of accidents, but something just told me that those were to hide more than an 'accident'.

"Stripes, lift his shirt up" Stripes looked at me like I was fucking crazy. "Wha-" I could feel my self split control with Sully. "Did you not hear him the first time bitch? Lift the fucking kids shirt up"

Not wanting to upset Sully even more, she quickly did so, Gasping at the amount of healing bruises and cuts. Not to mention the amount of scars he already had. Stripes turned towards me.

"Sully..?" I could tell Sully didn't want to deal with this. He retreated and I took control. "It's Liu. We're... Grab the kids bag. We're taking him to Zalgo. He needs his fucking revenge and I will get it to him." I didn't explain any further as I picked him up and walked through the Portal, Stripes struggling to keep up with me.

I saw myself in this kid, and I fucking hated it.

Well That Wasn't Supposed to Happen..  | A Creepypasta × Mcyt crossover |Where stories live. Discover now