Chapter 9

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Tommy's POV

I woke up due to a knocking on my door. Groaning, I call out. "You can come in!" The door opened and I was met with Jill. "Hi Tommy! Today we're doing training and your joining us!" I groaned softly this time. "I know Jill. Just.. give me five more minutes.."

"Nope!" Jill pulled the blankets off of me and I yelped. She snickered and ran out of my room, leaving me to sit up and glare at the doorway. Looking over at the desk, a neat pile of folded clothes sat there. I sighed and got up, closing my door before going over to the pile of clothes.

Throwing on the first sweatshirt and pair of pants, I looked at myself in the mirror. Definitely not something I would wear normally, but definitely comfortable enough, and it's red! I went into the hall and Stripes was there to greet me.

"Good, you picked the comfortable clothes." She chuckled and started leading me outside. When outside, she walked me over to what looked like a police training thing. A bunch of people that I didn't know were already training. "God damn, how early do these people get up?" I asked Jokingly. "Tommy it's close to 12 in the afternoon.." I paused and looked at her.

"Oh-" I smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment. Stripes laughed and led me to an archery course, where another man already was. He looked towards me, gave me a subtle nod, and went back to shooting his arrows. "Oh, that's Nathan the Nobody, but you can just call him Nathan. No one really knows his backstory besides boss. He mostly sticks to himself. " Stripes explained

I nod, looking at the arrows surrounding the bullseye, an arrow soon hitting the bullseye. I stare in awe at how well he could do archery. Stripes coughs and I turn back to her. "Sorry!" She smiled and shook her head. "It's fine Tommy. Are you ready to get started?"

I nodded and picked up a bow and arrow. Correcting my stance occasionally, I kept shooting the arrows. I always kept missing, which made me very disappointed. "Y'know, let's try one more time before we move on. This time, think of everyone who has caused you harm, even if it was over something stupid."

I nodded and closed my eyes. All I saw was Dream. Occasionally there was another person like Wilbur or Techno, but it was overall Dream. God I wanted to punch him in that stupid ass mask. I went to pull back the bowstring but before I could, I was suddenly.. Looking at my own body?

Stripes was looking at my body, her eyes widening at the color of my eyes which were somehow completely white now?! I don't know what is happening! I walked up to myself, about to yell at my body because that will definitely help, but it aimed the bow, almost hitting me in the.. face? Ghost face.

Looking closely at well, my hands, I saw that a sparkling yellow liquid was flowing slowly over them, wrapping my hands in delicate patterns. Not going to lie, it was pretty. Stripes could still only watch in surprise and amazement. I looked back towards the target, the first arrow hitting bullseye. My body picked up another arrow and set it in place. I watched in shock as the second arrow pierced through the first, effectively splitting it in half.

I looked over at Nathan, who was staring at the target. My target. Well fuck. The entire time my face was stone cold and no emotion was showing. Before I could even process, I feel the bow in my hands and I look down, feeling my body to make sure I wasn't hallucinating before looking at Stripes.

"Tommy, what the fuck?! We didn't know you could do this?!" I raise my hands in defense. "I didn't know Either!" I defended, setting the bow down. "He's telling the truth. Just continue with training and talk about it later. Just don't make him angry." The voice was raspy and deep. It came from right behind me and I jumped, whipping around to face Nathan.

He didn't say anything else as he turned around and walked away. Stripes took a deep shaky sigh and nodded. "He's right. We'll worry about it later, lets just get back to training" Stripes said. I nod, taking one last glance at the Target before following her.

Stripes led me to a clearing where a girl and a boy were sword fighting. My eyes light up in excitement and Stripes coughed to get their attention. The girl looked over but yelped and turned back to the boy immediately as he pressed the tip of the sword against her neck. I couldn't help but smile at her mistake, so I put a hand over my mouth out of respect.

"That's enough Helen" The boy lowered his sword and moved the mask I failed to notice earlier, showing his face. "Sorry Stripes. Is this the boy you were talking about?" Stripes nodded. "Mhm! Sadie, Helen, this is Tommy. I was hoping he could train with you guys for a bit just to see how he does."

Sadie giggled and waved as I waved back. "I don't mind! Maybe Helen with actually have competition for once, hehe! Besides Nathan, but we all know how that ends up-" Helen glared at Sadie so she immediately shut up. He looked back at Stripes. "We don't mind."

"Perfect! Well, how about Sadie and Tommy spar first, and than we'll go from there." Both Sadie and Helen nod. Helen walks over and hands the sword to me and I grip the handle tightly. Act like it's just another spar with Techno.

I get into the stance that Techno taught me and take a quick glance towards Stripes. During the actual sword fight, I won't be able to look at her. Stripes smiled at me and started counting down when Sadie got into her position. I chuckled as Stripes yelled "fight!", Immediately lunging towards Sadie. She looked shocked before putting up her sword just in time to block mine.

I sidestepped her swing at me. Since she swung downwards, I stepped on her sword, effectively pulling it out of her hands as she looked up at me. I put my own sword to her cheek and she nervously smiled at me. "Good job Tommy! I think Helen might actually have some competition here." Stripes exclaimed. I smile and take a step back as Sadie collects her sword.

"I knew it was a loss for her as soon as he took his stance." Helen said. Sadie tilted her head in confusion. "Don't get me wrong, you're doing great with your stance and you've definitely improved a lot, but it's still off. Your feet weren't in the right place." Helen explained. "Your sword positioning is also wrong. Here" I walked over to her and motioned her to get into her stance.

She did so and again, she held the sword up straight. "See, your sword is up straight again. It needs to be chest level and tilted. This is best for protection." Sadie nodded and held the sword like how I told her. Maybe I'll train with her more so she get better. Stripes was grinning. "Wow Tommy, I didn't know you were such an expert!"

I shrugged and walked back over to them. "My.. brother taught me when I was younger and I've just carried it with me since then. I also have a few tricks up my sleeve that my friend taught me." Stripes nodded and hummed.

"Let's spar than, shall we?" Helen asked. I grinned and nodded. "We shall."

Well That Wasn't Supposed to Happen..  | A Creepypasta × Mcyt crossover |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin