Chapter 5

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Technoblades POV

This was bad. This was so bad. Tommy had just.. disappeared. I mean, he actually disappeared. Like, he's not hiding anywhere, he didn't run very far away, he was just.. gone.

"It's not fair! Not fair I tell you!! I almost fucking had him again! Why does he always have to ruin things!?" Dream screamed. He was the angriest out of everyone. Everyone watched Dream throw his hissy fit in silence before he stormed off.

"Techno, he's really not gone, is he..?" Tubbo asked, about in tears. I gulp as the attention is on me now. I take a deep breath and sighed, crossing my arms. "As far as we know, yes. He's not dead, because there was no announcement and we would have seen his ghost by now, but I have a feeling he's not here.."

Phil nodded as to agree with me and Tubbo dropped to his knees. The boy was uncontrollably shaking and crying. Ranboo and Fundy dropped down on either side of him to try and comfort him, but Fundy himself wasn't doing too well with this news.

"Why did he go? Why, out of all the people who deserved to disappear and be, supposedly, Safe, why him!? Why does he get to disappear and we're left to clean up his mess like every. Other. Time! " Niki yelled. To her, it wasn't fair, and in someways, it wasn't. But, Tommy had just turned 18, what, a couple of days before he disappeared?

"Niki, do you remember how old Tommy is?" Puffy asked. Niki froze and looked at her. "He's like, around 30, right? Probably 25 if I had to guess." Phil and a couple others nodded. Now that made my blood boil.

"You guys are pathetic. You blame everything on Tommy when you are really the problem. And Phil, I thought better if you. Not even remembering Wilbur's, let alone Tommy's birthday." I spoke loudly. I looked at Tubbo and saw Ranboo pull Fundy back in a hurry as Tubbo stood up.

Anger and resentment. That's all I saw coming off of Tubbo. Before anyone could process what was happening, a gut-wrenching scream came from the brunette boy as he clutched his chest. Most people had to cover their ears. Now, I may not know anything about Tubbos family, but I wouldn't be surprised if his mother was a banshee.

He looked at Niki. I no longer saw that sweet innocent kid. I saw a kid with burning hate for everyone who had just lost his best friend.


Everyone froze, including Phil. I sighed and walked up to Tubbo. He just stared at me with a burning anger. Instead of being angry, I was proud. Proud, and sad that these poor kids had to live through this. Almost everyone gasped when I engulfed the kid in a hug. He broke down sobbing, clutching onto my shirt as I tried to hold him up the best I could.

"Tubbo, what about the compass Ghostbur gave you?" He took something out of his pocket and handed it to me, still sobbing. Knowing there was nothing left to do but let the kid cry, I whispered meaningless nothings to him. It was truly upsetting as Ranboo walked over, a heartbroken look in his eye. I gently lowered me and Tubbo to the ground, looking up at Ranboo.

"Tell everyone but Phil and Puffy to get the fuck away. Fundy can stay if he really wants to, but he should probably go see ghostbur, considering his mental state is probably shit right now." Ranboo nodded at the command and quickly went to usher the people away.

Puffy was heartbroken as she stood next to me. Phil stood back, knowing he had no place to speak on anything. He was just as bad as them, and he knew it. Tubbo eventually pulled back and looked up at me, sniffling. "I'm very sorry Tubbo. I'm going to see if I can find Tommy. You can come if you want, but don't put your mental health at risk, okay?"

He was quiet before looking at the ground. "I.. I sniff, want to come.." I nodded as I helped him up. "Phil. " Phil slightly jumped when I turned around to face him. I held the compass out to him and he carefully took it, sadly smiling at it. "Track it Phil. It'll either lead to a clue or to Tommy. Now " I growled out.

Phil nodded and pulled out a sword, beginning to take off. I sighed and stood up, also helping Tubbo up. We quickly caught up to Phil, none of us saying anything as Phil tracked the compass. It was an unidentifiable silence, that's for sure. I think it was probably because all of us had different things to think about.


Third person POV

Phil frowned as the three stood outside of Phil's house. Phil walked around his house multiple times to check that it wasn't just an obstacle, but everytime the compass pointed to the house. "I guess check every chest. Techno, I'll go check you know what" Phil said. Tubbo tilted his head but Techno had already entered the house and Tubbo didn't want to be alone with Phil, so he quickly went into the house, Phil soon following.

As Tubbo and Techno were checking the chests, Phil slipped past them and pressed the button on the floor with his foot, the entrance opening. He climbed down the ladder and turned around, not expecting anything. That's when he spotted the red cape. Techno's red cape to be exact. He didn't want to touch it. "Techno? Techno?! This is urgent!" Phil called out.

Techno quickly came and climbed down the ladder, a sad look in his eyes when he turned around. Tubbo also came down and frowned. "What is this place..?" Tubbo asked. Phil sighed. "This is my secret library. All of my.. 'special' books are here" Tubbo nodded as Techno stared at the cape sadly.

"Techno, you should probably go read the note.." Phil said quietly as he put a hand on his shoulder. Techno nodded and moved towards it, soon picking the note up and unfolding it. The other two were on each of his side, Also wanting to read the note.

' Hey guys. Please don't be sad that I left. By now, I'm very far away in another dimension or dead. Which is why I'm writing this note.
Techno, thank you for being kind even though I was kind of annoying. I'm glad we got to bond together one last time.
Phil, I am mad at you, but I forgive you. You were just trying to protect Techno, and to me, that makes you very pog.
Tubbo, I'm sorry big man. I had to do it for my own good. If I didn't, I was going to die. I hope you understand and I'll always be your Tommy.
And to anyone else, it's not your fault. This is my decision. I wanted this. I don't know if I'll ever come back, but if I don't, please just live your normal lives. Also, sorry for stealing your book Phil!

~Tommy '

Phil let out a shaky laugh at Tommy's last comment before the tears started to flow. Tubbo was already in tears after reading his own summary. Techno was just barely holding back.

Well That Wasn't Supposed to Happen..  | A Creepypasta × Mcyt crossover |Where stories live. Discover now