Chapter 10

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(Mentions of a panic attack, abuse, and death)

Tommy's POV

Helen cracked a small smile before going back to his stone cold expression. Sadie sighed and handed over her sword to Helen. "Good luck Tommy!" I smiled and nodded to her as she stood by Stripes.

I got into position and sighed, looking up. Helen adjusted his mask over his face and I froze. It looked so much like Dreams. I.. I don't think I can do this! I took a step back, the sword dropping out of my hands. I became shaky as my breathing picked up.

I could faintly hear Stripes yell something at Helen, though I couldn't tell what she was yelling. My head is dizzy and I can't breathe. Someone save me, anyone please.. I want Toby back! I want my best friend back!

"Don't make me go back to him, please! He'll kill me like last time! Please, Toby, help me, don't send me back Toby!" I cried out, that stupid masked man's face playing over and over again in my head. I was sobbing. I really didn't want to go back. Dream would just kill me over and over again.

I felt gentle hands on my cheeks and I could barely see the person through my blurred tears. A gentle male voice comforted my ears and I leaned into the hands. The voice sounded like a younger Wilbur. The one I grew up with, not the l'manberg Wilbur.

"Tommy, it's okay.. We would never send you back unless you wanted it. You're safe here, I would never purposefully harm you.." I furiously scrubbed my eyes, looking up at the less blurry person. It was Helen. I started to sob again, burying my face in his neck. It was slightly awkward because I was taller than him, but he didn't seem to mind it. He just gently rubbed my back until I calmed down.

Stripes POV

As soon as Tommy dropped his sword, I knew something was wrong. I yelled at Helen to drop his sword and he did, also removing his mask. Sadie looked concerned as hell as she looked at the poor boy. Tommy was shaking and crying, yelling for Toby to come back. When Sadie tried to move towards Tommy, I grabbed her and shook my head, nodding towards Helen slowly moving towards Tommy.

I sighed, hoping Tommy wouldn't freak out. The kid has severe PTSD if I've ever seen it. I let go of Sadie as Helen kneeled next to him, gently placing his hands on his cheeks. He whispered softly to Tommy, Tommy soon crying into his neck. I sighed and looked over at Sadie, who looked like she was on the verge of crying. She was always someone who felt emotions harder than any of us.

Once Helen stepped back, Tommy sniffled and looked over at me and Sadie. Sadie broke down crying and ran to him, pulling him into a hug the best she could. I give him a small apologetic smile and he lets out a breath I know he's been holding.

"I'm okay Sadie.." He said. Sadie looked up at him with teary eyes. "No you're not! You cried for Toby, someone who is supposed to be our enemy but apparently isn't!" Sadie cried out. Tommy sighed and gently pet her hair. "I know, he just.. he reminds me of someone."

Sadie pulled away and nodded. "I'm.. I'm sorry." Tommy shook his head and wiped her tears. "Nonsense. It's not your fault." Sadie looked away and he smiled down at her. I cleared my throat and they all looked at me.

"To get your mind off of it, I would like to test out a couple more stations before we go inform Zalgo how it went." Tommy smiled and I nodded. "I'll teach you some other time on how to improve Sadie, I promise!" Tommy yelled back as he giggled, running after me. He sure does get over his panic attacks fast.

Tobys POV

I was just sitting in the living room, watching BEN play a random shooter game. He had been trying for almost an hour to get past this one level, and it was fucking hilarious how pissed off he got. It was almost his 56th try when I felt a sharp stabbing in my heart.

I gasped in surprise and grasped at my heart. At first I thought I had been stabbed, but that didn't make sense. So what the fuck was happening? BEN paused his game and looked at me with a strange look. "You okay dude?" I nodded, trying to take a deep breath but failing, the sharp pain only increasing. I managed to catch a glimpse of the heart, and it was glowing a mysterious yellow.

As soon as it had came, it was gone. Same with the glow. "Okay, what the fuck.." I whispered. BEN floated over to me putting his hand on my shoulder. "Are you good dude? You look like you'd just been shot and you could feel pain." BEN asked.

"Y-Yeah, I just.. Holy fuck my nerves must be fucking up or some shit, I just felt pain in my heart." I said still gripping onto my sweater where my heart is. "You should go see EJ. I may not know much medical stuff, but I know that isn't supposed to happen to even a normal human." BEN told me, gently pushing me off the couch.

I scoffed and glared at him, my arm twitching but he kept insisting. I huffed before crossing my arms and walking towards EJs lab area. I knock on the door and when there was no response, I bit my lip. I really didn't ever want to feel that pain again, which meant I had to find EJ. I debated it for awhile before turning around. I immediately spin back around when I hear my name being called.

"Toby? What are you doing at my lab?" Jack had his mask on, so I couldn't tell his expression. He did have his arms crossed though, which gave me some glimpse of how he felt. "I.. I've been feeling pain inside.." Jack straightened his posture. "I.. okay, let's talk more inside." My neck popped and I nodded. We went into EJs lab and I sat on a somewhat comfortable cot.

"So you said you've been hurting inside, could you explain where and when it has happened?" EJ asked, putting on some gloves just incase. "Well, I- Fuck! I kind of lied about the whole 'hurting'. It's only happened once and it was right before I came here. It felt like what I imagine getting stabbed in the heart feels like" I said quietly as I popped my shoulder.

"Hmm. Any new connections or relationships recently?" I paused and I could tell Jack was raising an eyebrow under the mask. "Um, no." I whistled, my neck jerking forward. Jack moved his mask to the side, glaring at me. "Toby, I need the truth if you want to stop feeling this pain."

My arm jerked before hitting my thigh and I sighed. "Fine. I have. I've also been experiencing out of body experiences but they've been happening for awhile. Slender doesn't know about either." Jack hummed, looking through a book. "Did you know that you can die from heartbreak Toby?" I froze before my hand flew to the necklace Tommy hand given me, clutching onto it tightly.

"Wh.. What?" My voice came out as a whisper. Jack sighed and came over to me, his mask now on the side of his face. "The person gave you something or reminds you of someone, don't they?" I nod and reach under my sweater, pulling out the necklace. "By the demons below, where did you get that? No regular human should be able to get a hold of these kind of materials.." EJ continued to ramble to himself about the necklace.

I cough which pulled him out of his trance. "Oh, right, sorry. So, who is the lucky person?" I stayed quiet looking at the floor. EJ raised an eyebrow. "Toby I already know they're from.. that place. I won't judge you." EJ rubbed the back of his neck. I look up at him with wide eyes.

"Well, uh.. He's from a different dimension I'm told. He looks like Lyra and he told me I looked like someone he knew.. we just kind of had a bonding moment. They're.. they're actually really nice. And the Rake. It's.. it's not as mean as others say. Hell it acts like a dog at some points. And.. and it loved me and Tommy.. I.." I recalled all of my moments realizing how much I actually loved it there. How much I missed Tommy. It was only then that I realized I was about to pass out. I tried to speak, but I just fell into EJs arms, the darkness taking over me.

Well That Wasn't Supposed to Happen..  | A Creepypasta × Mcyt crossover |Where stories live. Discover now