Chapter 3

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Third person POV

Liu paced around the room, Stripes sitting in a chair with her mask off. Tommy had been out for 4 days, yet he was still breathing. "Y'know Liu, you might have sent him into a coma.." Stripes said quietly, trying to lighten the mood.

Liu growled and snapped his head towards her. "Shut the fuck up Stripes! I was just doing my job!" He yelled. She furrowed her brows and crossed her arms. Sometimes she couldn't tell the difference between Liu and Sully, so it was better to say nothing in this situation.

After a few hours, Liu left the room, not wanting to spiral again. Stripes sighed and looked at the kid. Zalgo had checked him out when he first got here, and he checked for internal injuries, to which he found none. He sadly couldn't heal Tommy's outside wounds.

Stripes didn't know why he was so angry. He's never been like this to any other victims before! It was just.. weird.

Stripes was glad it was them that got to Tommy before.. he did. Tommy would have suffered over and over again just for his entertainment. But. Maybe he wasn't as bad as they all thought?

Stripes was taken out of her thoughts when she heard a groan come from the blonde boy. She looked at him and looked to her mask, realizing that her face might not be the best thing to wake up to if she didn't have her mask on.

Quickly putting it on, she smiled down at him as he rubbed his eyes. He slowly looked around the room, sitting up quickly in a panic as he noticed the woman. "I- you- Wha- HUH?" He mumbled out, obviously confused.

"Hey kiddo. You took a pretty big hit from my partner, didn't ya? You've been knocked out for four days" Stripes explained, uncrossing her arms. "I've been.. four days? No wonder why I feel like I've been drowned.." Tommy mumbled to himself and Stripes looked at him with confusion.

"It's.. it's nothing. I'm.. I'm in your world now, correct?" Stripes nodded at his question and she was surprised to see him grin in response. That's when she realized. God she was so stupid. This kid didn't summon them to prove they were real or even mess with them. He wanted to escape, to get away from.. whoever was hurting him. He knew that he could be killed. But he didn't care.

"Ma'am? You've been spaced out for a couple of minutes, are you okay?" Tommy asked politely. Stripes snapped back into reality and nervously chuckled. "I'm fine kid. My name's Stripes, what's yours?" Stripes asked.

"It's TommyIn.. Tommy. Just Tommy." He replied. Stripes nodded and smiled, staring at him. Tommy got shy and looked away. "There's other people here, right?" Stripes laughed and stood up.

"Ofcourse there are darlin'! My partner was worried sick about you, y'know that?" Tommy shook his head and looked down at his nicely wrapped hands. "Oh yeah, one a' my friends fixed ya up. The bruises should be totally healed. Your ribs were bruised too, which will explain the entire bandage on your ribs" Stripes smiled down at him and extended a hand.

"Come on. Boss wants to meet the kid that Liu didn't kill." Tommy gulped and took her hand, weakly standing. His legs were so fucking numb. Leaning against her for support, he cursed at himself. Stripes just laughed and put an arm around his waist, helping to balance him and herself.

As they were walking through the huge halls of Zalgos mansion, Tommy was looking at all the rooms and paintings on the way. To Tommy, it looked like something Foolish would build. Absolutely breathtaking.

Soon reaching a dark hallway, Stripes pulled Tommy closer so he wouldn't get lost or even be able to separate from her. She soon stopped and Tommy looked up. A pair of dark oak wood doors towered over them. Stripes knocked on the door, and Tommy jumped after hearing a booming voice call out.

"Come in you two. And Stripes, rid of your mask as you do. He should see you as what you are" Stripes swallowed hard and nodded, the doors slowly swinging open. She took off her mask and stepped in, Tommy just automatically following her lead. Looking over at her, he gasped but quickly hid it.

Stripes took this as a bad thing and looked away shamefully. Tommy looked at the demon sitting behind the desk, and smiled nervously. In a way, he was a meaner version of Bad, right?

Tommy's POV

I was scared out of my mind. I couldn't help myself. This was like meeting Mumza or Herobrine! It was absolutely sacred, and I knew that.

"Do not be afraid child. This meeting is not sacred, and I am not a important man to you, unless you join me. Even then, I would only be your boss" I nodded and picked at my hands.

"What do you mean by join you?" I asked. I really hoped this wasn't like l'manberg.. "First apologize to Stripes here. She thinks you see her as a monster" Zalgo said. His voice was low as to not have others hear. My eyes widen and I look at her.

"Oh no Stripes, I didn't gasp in a bad way! You reminded me of a spider, and I think spiders are very cool! Infact, I could rant about all types of spiders if you would listen! I know you wouldn't but still! Spiders are so cool, so you're infact, very pog!" I slightly rambling.

Stripes didn't know what 'Pog' meant, but she figured it was positive because of the context, so she smiled and nodded. "So, Tommy, right? I was told you come from a different dimension. By the looks of things, not many people liked you."

I nodded. I might as well as be honest. It already looks like he can read my mind. "I was liked until Dream turned everyone on me. He's always hated me.." I said, looking down at the ground.

"..How old are you Tommy?" I blinked. No one has asked me that for awhile. In fact, I barely remembered how old I was. "18 or 19, I-I think.." Stripes furrowed her brows and looked at me, so I turned my head away.

"You think? Okay, when's the last time you celebrated your birthday?" I rubbed one of my scarred arms. "6 years ago. In l'manberg. Before everything went to shit and we had our country taken away from us.." I said truthfully, trying to not cry. Why was I so emotional over this. L'manberg has been gone.

I looked up and saw Stripes tearing up as she put a hand over her mouth, looking up at Zalgo. "You.. You were 12? How did you lose your country?" I shrugged. "Dream didn't like that we had a country on his land so he started a war with us. All of us fought for our country, but Dream eventually won. It's.. it's really not something I want to remember.."

"Who ever this fucking 'dream' is, I'll kill him. A child should not be in a fucking war." He growled and sighed, rubbing his temples. "My name is Zalgo if you need anything, okay? Now, Stripes. Go take him to officially meet the others. they try to kill him, Put them in their fucking place" I shiver. XD could never be as scary as Zalgo. Now Mumza? Lady death herself? No one could be as scary as her when she's angry. I've seen it.

Stripes nodded and took my hand as she put her mask back on, leading me out of the room. I was not excited for what was about to happen.

Well That Wasn't Supposed to Happen..  | A Creepypasta × Mcyt crossover |Where stories live. Discover now