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My exams are over YAY :) Did u get d new breaking dawn part 2 dvd yet ? Kristen looked so awsome in Oscars,right? Poor Kristen she had cut her leg,but she was still looking so sexy LOL :) Krisbian forever <3 BTW enjoy the chapter...


Nessie's POV

We all were gathered in one of the beach at La Push.There were so many people,I mean sooooo many the full pack,damon and his friends who had joined the pack and several new faces who i guess had just phased.Jake's prank had scared the hell out of everyone especially Seth.When Jake had told seth to call everyone from the pack immediately he had such a serious face,that Seth migt have got scared and actually called the whole pack.Its good anyway,our announcement will be done once and all together,no need of repeating the same thing to everone.I sat on one of the tree barks laid on the beach,Leah and Emily sat besides me,seems like they are on good terms now.Kim and Rachel also joined us later on.Sam and Jake were talking about something serious.

"Hey Nessie."Emily said. I smiled.

"So whats the matter."She asked.I shrugged.She raised an eyebrow.

"Whats the matter bro?Whatsupp ?"Damon asked Jake.

",This is very important.As you know I and my Imprint."Jake said with a serious look on his face and  pointed at me said with a little louder voice so everyobody could hear,I blushed when he pointed at me.

"Are engaged since a long time."He said elongating the word long.Why is he takingso many pauses between his sentences?

"Its time we get married."He said with a big smile on his face.

"Oh,you guys are getting married,thats awsome,when?Where?"Damon,Seth and Paul asked.

"This friday near the cullen boundry."Jake said.Most of them tensed up when he said the cullen boundry.

"I thought our relation whith them had improved."Jake said nervously.

"Yes it has.We will be there"Sam said giving a small smile,i guess he said that i was there.

Everybody said there congratulations,good wishes,and we gave them the invitation cards.

"Jacob,Nessie I have to talk to you,lets go over to Billy's ,its important."Sam said.

"Its about the Alpha stiff right?"Jake said,Sam nodded.

Billy,Sam and Jake were sitting on the couch.I was TRYING to make something in the kitchen,but I was evasdropping about what they were talking.

"Why do you want me to become the Alpha?"Jake asked.

"I have been the ALpha since a long time,you should take the responsibility,you are the son of the Orignal Alpha- you have Alpha genes in you."Sam said.

"Oh C'mon there is more."Jake said.

"No,Jacob.I really want you to become the Alpha.Its time.I want to spend time with Emily anyways."Sam said.

"So that what this is all about-Spending time with Emily?"Jake said smirking.This got me thinking if Jake becomes the Alpha will he spend less time with me? I hope not.

"No.Are you accepting my proposition or not?"Sam asked.There was silence for sometime,I was eagerly waiting for Jake's answer.

"Yes."I heard Jake's voic.It was a bittersweet feeling becuase I was proud of him and worried that he might spend less time with me.

"Great!I will start working on the ceremony."Sam said.What?A ceremony?

"A ceremony.There wan't one when you took over."Jake said his voice as shocked as I was.

"Yeah,I forgot to tell you,some other pack are joining us,from the south.They dont have an Alpha,so they will under you."Sam said


This is a short chapter I know but I was too EXCITED to upload.My next upload will be this week only. Hope u liked the chapter.Vote and Comment.Love you all.


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