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Jacob's POV

I and Nessie are still in bed when I hear some footsteps coming towards our house(Not edward and bella's,they have their own house in the forest,Alpha's house),must be Bella and Edward might be coming,but suddenly I'm so aware and focused as if some danger is approaching.Its probably because I have still not recovered from the whole kidnap thing.Wolfsbane is still in my body,making me feel numb.I look at Nessie to relax,she looks so perfect even when she is sleeping.

It has been so long since I saw.Ever since our wedding.....

Our wedding! It must have been so devastating for her,I went missing just after wedding,during the reception.I am really angry at myself and at everything.I smell someone,its not Edward or Bella,a wolf.Is it the rogues again?I close my eyes with fear,but I remember how one of them tried to kill Nessie and all my anger rises inside me.I want to phase into my wolf form but it will wake Ness,i don't want her to worry.

I silently go downstairs,and find someone standing near the couch staring towards the window.

I tap his shoulder and find its Damon.

"Oh,Hey."I say.He grins and gives me a hug.

"Im glad you are back and safe.We all were so worried..."He trails off.

"I know."

"We are having a party down at La Push,celebrating your return."He tells me.

"I'll be there with Nessie."I smile.

"Okay,cool.I'll leave now,give you both some time alone.Call me if u need anything."He says as he moves towards the main door.

When I go back upstairs.Nessie is not in the bed.I start worrying.Im becoming paranoid,I know.

"Nessie!"I yell,afraid I will loose her again.

"In here."I hear her voice from the bathroom.

She comes out of the bathroom after 2 minutes.Look as if she has washed her face and brushed her teeth,there are a few drops of water on her chin,which she wipes off.

"You were sleeping.Im sorry I woke you up."I say.

"I have spent a lot of time sleeping,I want to spend my time with you.I have missed you,alot."She tells me grinning.

I smile and kiss her lightly on her lips,but suddenly Im hungry for her love for her kisses and kiss her fiercely.

We spend the whole day talking,laughing,watching Tv,or making out.

I know she enjoyed the day as much I did.

At night me go to La Push.

The whole pack is there.There is nothing formal,so I dont have to give my Alpha speeches.The whole time I wrap my one hand around Nessie,we sit together on one of the big rocks with the rest of the pack,around the campfire.

 I need to mate with Nessie.Every now and then,I cant control my self,she is so beautiful but I think she is not yet ready.I think we both will find out what to do about that tonight.

Setting Moon*Sequel to Rising Moon*~Jacob and Renesmee Fanfiction ~Where stories live. Discover now