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Hey everyone,Sorry for uploading sooo Late,I had my Exams,but now I will upload more sooner.Enjoy :D


Renesmee's POV

I was afraid and confused,because I had never heard of witches before and I did not know any of her powers,so she could hurt me if she had some grudge against me or my family.I actually heard of witches usually being evil in the bed-time stories,mom and Jake used to tell me,but thats just a story but people think vampires and werewolves are only in stories,but they do exist.I was clueless of what today.Emma put on some movie,but I barely paid attention to the movie.I wanted to go home,I did not feel safe here.

'Can u come to pick me up?' I texted Jake,when Christina and Emma were not looking.

'Im on my way Ness,dont worry.What happened?' His reply came a minute.

' I'll tell u later.' I texted back.Emma noticed and raised an eyebrow.

"Umm my grandma came to visit me today and she wants to see me,so Jake is comming to pick me up."I lied nervously.She sighed.

"Okay,but you will have to come for a sleepover again after some days."She said.I nodded and smiled.Christina was silent,she just smirked at me when I glanced at her.

After some minutes,a sound of a doorbell came and I was sure it was Jake.I got up from Emma's bed and started walking towards the door,Emma paused the movie,she and Christina followed me.We went downstairs,Emma opened the door and Jake was standing there.I was relived.I sighed.

"Hi Jacob."Emma waved.Jake gave her a small smile.

"Lets go."He said looking at me.

"Wait..."Christina said.

"I'm Christina Reed you are..?"She asked.

"Jacob Black."Jake replied.

"The future Alpha?"She asked,with her eyes wide open.Emma did not know all of this,how could Christina ask him in front of Emma.Jake stared at her,looking confused,that how did she know he was a wolf.Wait...she said the future Alpha.What does that mean?Is he going to take the Alpha title from Sam?Then he will spend most of time managing the pack,and less time with me.

"Excuse me."Jake said.

"Dont worry,Emma knows.She is one."Christina said looking at me and Jake.Jake looked at me,looking confused.

"Im a witch,Emma is also a witch."Chritsina clarified,becuase Jake did not understand.He narrowed his eyes.

"Your mother Amanda Reed came her about 8 years ago?"Jake asked Christina comming inside and looking intrested.She nodded,looking a little sad.

"Yes,my late mother came here,8 years ago and was killed by vampires."She said looking at me.

"Christi,dont blame Nessie,it wasn't her fault."Emma said.

"You knew my family is of vampires and Im a half human-vampire?"I asked.She nodded.Now I was pissed off.

"I knew,Dean didn't.I knew you are Jacob's imprint and I tried to stop Dean but he did not  listen to me.I could feel that you both and your family is different,when Dean was turned into vampire,I knew I lost my brother  that day."She said sighing.

"Why?If Dean became a vampire,you did not loose him."I said.

"We can see the future,and I knew he would be dead that week."She said sobbing lightly.

"Why didn't you try to stop?"I aksed her.

"Even if I tried I would not be able to stop it and we have been a little afraid of vampires after Christina's mother's death."She said.

"I and my family cause no harm.You know that.We live on animal blood."I said.

"Its getting late,we will talk about this..later,you should go."Christina said.I nodded.I and Jake went towards the main door.I waved to both of them and they smiled.

"An advice Jacob,claim her as soon as possible,something is comming."Emma said,Jake looked confused but he simply nodded,we sat in the car,and Jake started driving.What just happened now arised many questions in my mind,but I was silent,trying to figure everything out.Jake finally broke the silence.

"Nessie,I will have to claim you today or least tommorow."Jake said.

"Whats the rush?"I asked.

"If Emma is a witch and she is saying I have to claim you as soon as possible,I have too."He said.

"Why?"I asked.

"Becuase she knows something is comming and for precaution if she says something we have to do it.Its for our own good."He said looking at the road.

"Okay,but can you do it tommorow?Today was a little weird for me."I requested him.He nodded.

When we reached home,I and Jake told about Christina and Emma being witches.Mom was completly cluless about witches just like me but Dad also knew about Christina's mom Ammanda being killed.

"Ammanda Reed came in Forks 2 years before Bella came,she hated vampires because we kill humans but she did not know we survive on animal blood and she several times tried to kill us with her powers but the voultri they killed her."Dad said.

"How did you not know she was a witch,you could read her mind."Jacob asked Dad.

"I don't know I did not pay attention to her in school,there were many thoughts and somehow she might have blocked me,she is a witch after all."He said.

After some more discussion.I went to sleep.Well today was weird,I did not know witches exist and my best friend is a witch.I sighed.Tommorow Jake would claim me I was happy and excited about it but a little part of me was scared.I drifted to sleep and waited for tommorow-for Jake to claim me.


Hey guys! So this was totally unexpected right.I myself wasn't sure wether I should inroduce witches and all but then I took the risk.Let me know if u like or unlike the idea of bring witches in the story.Comment and Vote,love you all.Thanks 4 reading.


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