Chapter 7: Remnants of the Past

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Year 847

Location: Ehrmich District, Wall Sheena

"In the garden of memory, in the palace of dreams... that is where you and I shall meet."

- Lewis Carrol

Today was a long-anticipated day. The cadets were granted a day off from their daily rigorous training, as today was a nationwide holiday, held for the celebrations of the birthday of King Fritz.

Y/n decided to use this day to go shopping inside the flourishing Market of the nearby Ehrmich District of Wall Sheena, which was just a couple of miles away from the Military Training Facility.

The streets of the Market-Place were filled to the brim with people of the upper class of Wall Sheena and the middle class that traveled here from Wall Maria. Shop vendors called out to the masses, people were haggling left and right and a small boy who stole jewelry ran past Y/n with the old shop owner chasing after him.

Y/n felt nostalgic. This was the same market that his family would visit every now and then. He went about his business, buying the things he needed and engaging in a bit of window shopping.

He noticed a weapons dealer, showcasing rifles and knives that were marketed towards the hunting people. He saw the heart piece of the shop owner's collection. A brand new military rife prototype.

Y/n: Isn't that.. my design?

Y/n was so stunned that he mindlessly walked towards it, making him bump into someone.

Y/n: Oh, I'm sorry! Are you alright?

???: Asshole. Watch where you are- Oh.

Y/n: Oh.

The girl with her hood on aggressively turned around only to look at Y/n with a dumbfounded face, which he returned.


The two of them decided to have a chat inside a small cafe in an alleyway. The girl lifted her hood as she entered the cafe. She had brown hair tied in a ponytail, with bangs reaching over her sharp, intimidating eyes.

Y/n: I did not expect you to move in the light, Freya.

Freya: Can you not just blurt out my name?

Y/n took a sip of his tea and waved his hand, dismissing her.

Y/n: No one's here, don't be like that.

She sighed.

Y/n: Are you sure that you aren't gonna order anything?

Freya: I did. I told the bartender to bring me a beer.

Y/n: ..what? Freya, they don't serve beer in cafes.

Freya: For me they do. I know the owner, he got me.

Y/n: Since when do you drink anyways? You are too young to drink alcohol.

Bartender: Excuse me.

He opened and reached a can of beer over to Freya, who took a small sip of it while she shot Y/n a teasing look.

He opened and reached a can of beer over to Freya, who took a small sip of it while she shot Y/n a teasing look

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