Chapter 57: Battle of Heaven and Hell

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Year 854
4 Days after the start of The Rumbling
Location: Military Base, Coast of Algeria

"Anakin is gone.. I am what remains."
- Darth Vader

On the tracks leading through the desert into a large military base at the coast, a train was rushing towards its destiny. It was driven and filled by both Eldian and Marleyan survivors who managed to barely flee the Rumbling.

 It was driven and filled by both Eldian and Marleyan survivors who managed to barely flee the Rumbling

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The Train entered the Military Base and slowly came to a halt. Young men and women rushed to the aid of the injured and elderly inside the wagons and escorted them out.

Hearing a train arrive, the soldiers stationed in the Military Base rushed down towards the tracks to see what was going on. As they saw the large crowd of people, they raised their guns, halting them in place. The suspicion of spies and enemy soldiers is high.

Commander Müller held the authority over the soldiers of this military base.

Müller: Halt! Who are you, and what is your business here?!

But Müllers suspicion died down as he saw both Karina Braun and Mr. Leonhart push their way towards the front of the crowd of frightened people.

Müller: Mr. Leonhart? You lived?

Leonhart: We found this abandoned train and gathered all the people we could find in the hopes of escaping the Rumbling.

Müller gasped out as Ms. Braun rushed towards him, grasping his collar.

Braun: We need your help! We have injured people who had to endure these harsh conditions for days! We need doctors!

Commander Müller looked over her shoulder to see many people, both Marleyan and Eldian, injured from the Rumbling either through trampling or debris. They were only supported by their fellow citizens slinging them over their shoulders or carrying them over their backs. Their condition looked atrocious.

Müller looked over his shoulder and yelled towards the backlines of his troops.

Müller: I need all field doctors! My soldiers, carry the injured to the sick bays!! Women and children first! Go!!

"Yes, sir!!"

Müller's soldiers and field doctors rushed past him. While the soldiers slung the injured over their backs, the field doctors pulled people onto stretchers, rushing them to the sick bay.

Mr. Leonhart breathed out a sigh of relief seeing his people taken care of. But he looked up again at this monstrous structure in the distance. He saw it already from the train but still couldn't fathom it's sheer size.

Mr. Leonhart: Müller.. is that..?

Müller: The Tower of Babel. Our Scouts have confirmed that the Emperor has been sighted in the upper levels of it.

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