Chapter 38: Beyond the Ocean

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Year: 854
- Four Years after the Incident -
Location: Slava Fort, Middle-Eastern Coalition

A young boy lay on the bone-dry sand. His mind was wandering home, a place far away from where he was now.

It was hot. The sun was piercing his white skin. He felt his gear soaking up his sweat.

But high up in the air, a creature was flying by. A falcon spread his wings over the battlefield.

He stretched his hands out towards it, trying to grasp its freedom.

Falco: Hey.. you..

Falco: It's dangerous out here

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Falco: It's dangerous out here.. go fly.. somewhere.. far away..


A man jumped through the smoke and tumbled across the ground, feeling the wind of passing by bullets scrape his jacket. He shook Falco trying to get him back to reality.

"Hey!! Are you hurt?!"

Falco: Brother..?

Falco narrowed his eyes, looking at his older brother in full infantry gear towering over him in worry.

Falco: What's.. going on..? Why are you dressed like that?

Colt, his brother, had no time to waste. He pulled his helmet off and pushed it onto Falco's head, slinging him over his shoulder.

He gazed back to see that the smoke cleared, to reveal a bunker. It didn't take long for the enemy soldiers to spot them and open fire.

Colt ran back and stumbled back down into the trenches, where his comrades awaited his return.


A group of other child soldiers and adults formed around them. While Falco's friends took care of him, the unit's commander spoke to Colt.

"Colt, what's the situation? When can we charge their position?"

Colt: W-We can't Commander! The last charge was completely mowed down! We need more artillery fire to smoke out their bunkers!

"..we've been shelling them for 8 hours straight, soldier. We have expectations to fulfill! We will take the position, no matter what!"

Colt grits his teeth, in frustration. It was almost as if the commander didn't listen.

Colt: I can not allow that!! It will cost too many lives, commander-

"That's no way to talk to a commander, you Eldian scu-"

The commander caught himself before he spoke it out. Colt's expression dulled and everyone in the trench looked at him in discomfort.

Colt: You Eldian what? Speak.

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