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So, really quickly (since we all have shit to do) I want to introduce myself and whatever this is.

Basically, I've been using Wattpad for years — and I'll get more into my history over time — but with all that great seasonal depression going around, I've been thinking there needs to be a source of motivation on here. Maybe with a hint of rambling slice-of-life stories. That and an example of best practices for young and emerging writers.

No matter what your interests are, or what brings you to Wattpad, I'm hoping that my general life advice and input will not only apply to you, but will do so directly.

Some of these posts will be anecdotes and stories, not sure at this point. Read 'em, skip 'em. Do what you wanna do. But if you decide to give me a shot and let me bend your ear a little bit, maybe the garbage coming out of my brain will inspire and motivate you. But maybe it won't. And that's okay. More importantly, I hope the comment section YOU control will be a place where anybody can share their thoughts and feelings and be a safe place to get feedback.

For those who care, this will also be a place where I can update everybody on what I'm doing and be... maybe on some level... a "blog".

Although I hate that word.

Don't know why, just never liked it.

thanks byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

thanks byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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WRITE ME: Advice, Projects, Practices, and Motivation for Wattpad WritersWhere stories live. Discover now