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"First of My Blood"


NEVER life have I had to spill innocent blood until tonight!

Earlier at school after classes, I'd bumped into this nobody human. He was academically famous..that was the boring kind of famous!
I knew that firsthand. It wasn't the first time I'd been in high school. I could be here whenever I wanted. Vampires don't age, I happened to be a shapeshifter on top of that. I heard there was another.

I could only turn into people I shared blood with though..and they were dead. Except for Kira's lookalike, Joelle. She was at a rehab center.

My last school's yearbooks had me, popular me. I had befriended all characters in school. From gymnasts to dweebs, teachers pets to rule breakers, miss knows a lot about Emos.

Kira T Viking. She was a social idol and the hottest girl in school. She was valedictorian too, gave a speech, and had a "family".

This year I was Charity Sylvan. Regular me. One of my names was mine. Sylvan.
Disguised by a goth girl.Many tattoos and piercings. Something an old vampire like me couldn't have. Piercings and tattoos were impossible, we healed immediately. I had to rip them out of my flesh afterward when I was going to the strip club.

Enough of me.

And yes. I don't like talking about the strip club but I had no choice!

I was running from a kid in school when I bumped into them. the human. I knew Frank had sent him.

Frank was currently the oldest vampire. Despite being powerful, he was more of a lap dog to Ms. Claire Fonta. She wasn't nearly as old as me but she was economically powerful. Ms. Sylvan was more but not as she was Charity. She worked only with loyal friends though.

I stupidly transferred the tube into his pocket when we collided. This tube contained the blood of our oldest seer, a man who had recently passed. This was the last of his blood when he was alive. Getting blood from his corpse would be of no use, you'd see nothing but death.

Like I said, it wasn't smart.

I'd planned to get it earlier when the rain started but he fled home immediately.

Christophe was playing mind games with him.

Christophe was the new guy, the new old guy I knew. Not Charity me, Sylvan me!

I followed him to his house and stayed around despite the rain, I'd hoped he'd eventually sleep so I would get the tube but he didn't.

I wanted to get in, take the tube and compel him to forget but he left midway through my plan. I wasn't one to mingle with humans until last year as Kira.

I figured we are no different! We drink blood, Yes! It's our food!
They eat everything but it's not a problem?

He left his place for, about ten minutes and seventeen seconds, to drive to this lullaby tea place, I loved blood. I had it fresh.

Again avoiding the subject.

I wanted to follow him inside but I saw that kid from earlier. Blond shaggy hair, nose and lip piercing, blue tattoo, and tall lean physique. He served a mug at a table before he walked off.
A few minutes later, I saw Frank's men. The kid had probably smelled the tube on him. They were now outside too, waiting for him.

I could take them in a fight but I promised myself not to unturn the already-turned leaf.
I knew what happened when I got in a fight, death, and only that. Which was a good thing in this case but not after I'd escaped my incomplete punishment and was lying low.

I waited until he got out but then something odd happened. A girl yelled for help, I saw Marcus. One of Frank's men dragged her.

The human followed in an attempt to help. I knew it was a trap but my identity couldn't be compromised not now. When I saw the other guy cocking his gun and following, I knew Frank was around. Even more, reason to watch from the sidelines until it is safe to get involved.

With that, I had no choice but to hide in the nearby alleyway listening to running and hard breaths.

After what felt like hours of silence, I heard muffled speaking in the alleyway before two soft gunshots. My hands folded into fists, this was my fault. More reason for me to be locked up again.

Their car sped off immediately they confidently exited the alleyway. This was my turn to swing in and clean up my mess. I went to the alleyway and found the boy on the ground bleeding.
His eyes were shut and his heart beat almost gone and nearly no breath.

It was a beautiful sight for people like me. Feeling the warmth exit your body as a foreign cold forcefully occupied the now vacant spaces. Your heart emptied itself so that It'd receive, that was the drive to feed.

The need to feel human, a heartbeat.

I looked at him sadly, I was sorry he ended that way. I heard what people felt when turning to us. Unfortunately, I was born a vampire. I was already a monster when I came out. That left me no choice of what I fed on. At least former humans had a body adapted to other foods.

I didn't_

_topic avoiding.. again.

I wanted to help but I knew the consequences of what my help would cause. I wanted the burden of his future off my neck. I wanted him to make his choice.

I wanted to help but was not ready to have more of my blood.

I was the last of my kind and wanted it that way. It was safe this way, my family was unsafe, and starting one would be just that.

We, Sylvans were bad news. I was bad news, no one wanted a vampire born. Vampires were made but those that were born were_

My family didn't let that happen it me, something I am grateful about. Despite that, they made me their test monkey and puppet. I did all they asked in return for love I didn't get.

Something a child, human or not, yearns for.

I eventually acted like a cornered predator and freed myself but the vampire needed me on a leash so.. that's what they did.
They locked me up and occasionally experimented on me.

I awkwardly cleared and throat before gulping hard.

I watched the boy getting paler and paler. My guilt got bigger and bigger.
Eventually, his heart stopped. I bit into my wrist before letting my blood drop onto the red-stained parts of his shirt.

I left immediately. If the world wasn't cruel to him, the blood would find a way to his wounds. But if it was, I was sorry.

I left him there, his life a probability of my cruelty, my cowardice to the cruelty of the world, the cruelty of it to the innocent.

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