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"The Aftermath Of Death!"

CURTIS Stormer


NORMALLY I..went home immediately but today I stayed a little longer. I wanted to see her_ Charity Sylvan!

I sat near the buses waiting for her but Benson came instead.
He sat beside me and sighed. I wanted to groan but I didn't.

'Who are you waiting for?' He squinted his eyes to see me because of my direction to the sun. I shrugged.
'You do know what you are..right?'

'What I am?' I raised my brow at him as I'd done to Jeremy.

'Yes..' He rolled. 'You have one of the highest ranks and you don't know_'

'Ranks? Dude speak English! I don't think you have me for an audience right now!' I groaned frustratedly.

'I am talking_' He looked around as if searching for anyone listening. '_Vampires!'

I held my breath before I burst out laughing. My laughter was interrupted by a yelp due to a slash on my skin. Benson had clawed me?

I watched my skin move back into place like nothing happened. I watched it horrified by what happened. 'So Vampires, eh?'

He nodded. 'There are wolves too!' He looked at the field. 'Nathan, Dylan. Scarlet.. there are many!' He pointed them out nodding at each of them like they'd heard him.

'And..the vampires?' I stammered.

He laughed. 'Of course me, my whole crew..most of the Chemistry class.You! There are others! We identify ourselves with aura, scent_'

'Is Charity?' I didn't complete but he knew.

'You've smelled her too?' He raised his brows and I nodded. He chuckled. 'Everyone does, of course not the humans. The wolves do too!'

'Why?' I looked at him.

He shook his head. 'I don't know..but every newbie who smells her asks. It's like she is..uh. When a rat dies in a house, you can smell it everywhere in the house but the smell is pungent where it is! That is how Charity is yet she is a low ranker!'

'She smells.. nice!' I awkwardly sighed.

'Yeah but don't obsess over it..she is bad news! We all did but found out the hard way!' He patted my shoulder and stood up.
'You're a high ranker Curtis..start acting like one. You're welcome to hang with us!'

I scoffed. 'Now you want me to hang out with you?'

'Curtis. I always have!' He looked at me in disappointment. 'It just wasn't possible when you were human. I'd hurt you!'

Just like that, he walked off. It made sense now. Imagine being eaten by your former best friend.

The lime scent came by.

Don't obsess over it...

I ran to the doors just as she pushed out.
'Charity!' I breathed when she looked at me. The scent was better this close. 'Hey! I am Curtis!'

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