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What the!
Lady Su woke up and found herself in the river bank. That's absurd.
It was as if millions of guards were around her.
Where am I? She asked herself.
"Oh you are welcome to your new home, I bet your party ended in a grande finale?" A guard laughed.
Damn you! I never hosted any parties.
Lady Su wanted to speak. But anytime she tried she felt saliva pouring out of her mouth. She wouldn't embarrass herself in front of those cruel people would she?
"We are going to attack your kingdom, we've been been ordered to assassinate the emperor, after beheading him I shall put the head in this red bag" their leader laughed at her and showed her the bag.
Lady Su was angry but she couldn't speak. You are no match for my father. Lady Su couldn't speak out, she hates been mute.
"Won't you say anything dummy? You never spoke since you arrived here" a guard with legs as thin as a broomstick asked.
"Ah never mind ming. She is just pretending" a callous guard said.
"Now men, we shall invade northern Su. We will assassinate the emperor remember don't attack more than five houses. You get it!" The boss asked.
"Shi!" They chorused.
Dust engulfed the atmosphere as they ran on their horses.
Lady Su sat with tears in her eyes.
Watching as they left and she couldn't do anything.

Watching as they left and she couldn't do anything

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Oh babies,
Please tell me whatya think. Gimme a sticker.
Please whadya say. I really wanna know your thoughts.
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