The escape

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As Izuku Midoriya watched his fathers compound burn to the ground he couldn't help but smirk. He had finally done it, he had escaped his fathers clutches.

All those years of Darkness, All the suffering and Hate his father had caused, and all the time he had spent in his shadow… It almost seemed worth it just to see this moment.

A moment that would forever live in his mind, As the day he had gained his freedom from his fathers grasp.

He felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest.

Like a great burden had been taken from him.

‘I could do anything I want now…’ The young Green haired boy thought, ‘but first I have to run. Run so far that my father won't ever be able to find me again’

And so he ran, the fear of his father fueling him. He ran Till his Legs burnt with pain and his lungs felt as if They were going To implode.

He looked around, The streets were empty at this time of the night, only the sounds of street lamps silent humming and the occasional cat screeching seemed to fill the quiet night.

Izuku looked up at the sky, storm clouds were starting to gather overhead and the smell of the warm summers night rain was slowly becoming more prevalent.

He always loved that smell and the rain, something about the gentle pitter-patter of rain on the roof, and the feeling of the raindrops slowly covering his face as he stood there.

But his thoughts were cut off by a sudden feeling of being watched. His instincts that he had honed over the years of being watched by his Father and his Minions told him he wasn’t alone.

He looked around, scanning all the possible vantage points that he could see, until he Spotted the faintest of movements In the shadows of an Alleyway, he was extremely nervous, ‘could this be one of fathers goons?’ he asked himself as he tried to think of a plan.

‘I can't run. And I can't hide… Damn it!’ with no options left, he would fight with all He had. He was not going back there!

He raised his and curled them into fists and stood in a fighting stance, He swear he could hear a snort from the shadows, "relax kid, If I wanted to hurt you I would have done it while I was following you” the Female voice echoed from the shadows of the alleyway closest to him.

He focused his sight into the darkness and readied himself to face the person who had just found him.

The woman was tall and had pale, ghostly skin. Her hair was like long raven coloured silk. Her eyes were covered by a pair of Thick yellow goggles. She wore what looks to be a Ninja outfit, plain back clothes and a hood that was pulled down

‘She doesn't look like one of Dad’s Freaks…’ he thought to himself as he stood locked in his fighting stance too scared to move a muscle, His emotions were already running high from his escape, and to top it all off, his mental state wasn't the best right now, but years of living like a soldier would do that anybody who found themselves freed overnight.

“Jeez Kid, If you're going to fight me, you can't be so rigid you look like a strong wind would blow you over” the Woman mocked with a cold, almost bored look in her eyes. Almost as if she didn't want to be here and that she would rather be somewhere else.

She seemed familiar, like he had seen her somewhere before, but I couldn’t place it.

‘This is going to drive me insane’ Izuku thought, as he didn't move.

“*sigh* Fine then, if you want to fight, then let's fight!” she said with a strange mixture of boredom and excitement.

Izuku tugged at the warmth in his gut, drawing out the energy he had been using for so long.

It gathered in a bright spark of a neon green glow in his hands, an intense but comfortable heat flowing out of him as the energy tried to take shape.

But before Izuku could even try to form his Blade, The Woman was already upon him.

She was faster than he expected, Her slender frame seeming to hold a lot more than meets the eye.

She started with a punch in the solar plexus knocking the wind out of him dissipating the energy that had gathered in his hand, then she swept his leg making him fall backwards but before he could hit the ground she grabbed his collar ending the fight efficiently and without breaking a sweat

She smirked at him "Told you so" and dropped him, making him fall on his butt.

Izuku looked up in astonishment at the Woman, his mind racing.

‘I know I’ve seen her before… But where!?’ She was obviously a Hero, probably on a night patrol or something of the like.

‘Ok, that narrows it down. Most heroes are only active during the day, so that would leave heroes like… Eraser Head!... But He’s a male, this one is definitely female. Could they be siblings?’ he thought as he connected the dots.

‘If they are related then in that case she must be an underground hero like her brother, one of the Heroes who work more for it being the right thing to do, and not for the fame or money and avoid the spotlight’

“What's your name Kid?” the woman asked as she kneeled down next to the hard thinking Izuku.

“...” but Izuku was silent, he couldn't risk being taken back, and Izuku knew that if they searched his name, one of his fathers allies’s would come up as his guardian.

“Listen, If your not going to tell me, I’ll need to take you in for questioning at the nearest police station. So if you tell me now, your making it easier on yourself” she said.

“... Midoriya, Izuku M-midoriya” he said, nearly choking on his last name, even saying it brought up bad memories.

The heroes eyes widened slightly and her voice softened "Izuku Midoriya? The same from this poster?” she asked as she pulled out a phone and quickly scrolled to a picture of him.

He looked at the photo.

His chest tightening and a sense of guilt and shame rolling over him.

“you’ve been missing for years kid we need to bring you in" she paused for a moment "then we can figure out what happened to your mother"

At the mention of his mother, Izuku closed his eyes and tried to block out his thoughts. But as usual, his brain was going too fast for him to stop.

His mind drifted to that day.

The day his life seemingly ended, and his lifetime of torture began.

The only thing he could see was the near motionless body of his mother, laying on the ground. The only movement being her chest as she tried to breath.

His father's words at that moment were burned into his mind.

He could never forget them.

They were the words that killed this mother.

“Useless” he said, his voice was filled with disdain and poison, as the tips of his fingers suddenly stretched out and darkened, glowing red lines seeming to flare up as the Tips of his now long spear-like fingers pierced his mother's heart.

His thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He recoiled at the touch, a mixture of instincts and Fear flooding his brain for a split second.

He looked up and saw the women who had beaten him in a fight, looking down on him with a warm, yet sad expression.

“Come on, Let's get you to the station” she said as she picked the Green haired boy and carried him down the street.

Izuku didn't struggle.

He was so tired.

The running from his house, the having his butt kicked, and now he was just tired of being awake. He wanted a dreamless sleep, one where he didn't have to see his mother, or his fathers evil smile.

But unfortunately we don't always get what we want, as when he did fall asleep in the arms of the woman, he was plagued by the usual images and echoes of his past.

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