As time Marches on

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A few days had passed since Izuku had acquired the Scion of Shadows Quirk.

And in the dead of night, while everybody else was asleep behind the walls that he now knew were soundproofed, Izuku practiced using the immensely powerful Quirk.

It's original owner, was an office drone, and had neglected to train the quirk, leaving it to stagnate in his hands. Luckily that was reset because of Izuku's true quirk. Now he just had to train it from scratch at an increased pace.

The pace of his training was increased because of his experience with emitter based quirks, and Scion of Shadows worked remarkably similar to Neon Genesis, which was a bonus.

It was a feeling in his gut, but instead of boiling hot heat, it was an ice-cold liquid.

It was reluctant to listen to Izuku at first, not that it was alive, but the quirk proved harder to grasp than Neon Genesis. It was slower to react and move, and it had an abysmal hard object-forming speed. But that wasn't what it was for.

No, Izuku didn't need a new offensive quirk, Neon Genesis packed quite the punch as is.

Now he needed one that was Versatile.

And while Neon Genesis was versatile, Scion of Shadows was much more so.

It lacked the Boosting Capabilities and Defensive properties of Neon Genesis, but it still had ranged options, and it also had some things Izuku had never used or trained in before.

A Stealth option, covering himself in a thin layer of shadows, and sinking into the darkness, capable of dragging objects, and maybe people with him.

A storage option, As his own shadow could be used as a sort of pocket space, to store things in.

And a semi Automaton option.

The Quirk would create solid matter made of shadows, but what it could do that Neon Genesis could not, was shape it into creatures and have them work as mindless drones that Izuku could Control like puppets, or even possibly give simple orders to in the future.

It was truly all he could have hoped for in a second Quirk, and what was best was that Izuku still had slots left for more.

As a child his father tested him for limits.

And they found one, Isuku didn't have his father's infinite capacity for Quirks.

Instead he had a limit.

But it could be raised by growing up, and training.

As a 4 year old, he could only store two quirks, but now after the years of torture from his father, he had capacity for 5.

It was slow progress, but it was a rate that Izuku enjoyed, as It forced him to think before he acted and adapt.

And he took pride in his analytical skills, His mind, and his adaptiveness.

These were the qualities of a good hero in Izuku's book.

Along with a genuine want to help, A never say no/give up attitude, and More than one trick.

He despised Heroes who were one trick ponies.

They had no room to grow, or change, they would forever be useless if a situation they weren't prepared for happened.

And a good hero must be ready for anything.

That's why Izuku had gained respect for Eraserhead early on in his childhood.

He may only have one trick, but it was a versatile one that leveled all playing fields.

And he was strong enough to beat up most people, at least this who weren't build like mountains.

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